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21 cm ; Pol. text, eng. summary
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12. M. Jockers, Macroanalysis: digital methods and literary history, University of Illinois Press, Urbana–Chicago–Springfield 2013.
13. C. Stamou, Stylochronometry: stylistic development, sequence of composition, and relative dating, „Literary and Linguistic Computing” 2008 no. 23, s. 181-199.
14. D. Hoover, Modes of composition in Henry James: dictation, style, and ‘What Maisie Knew’, w: Digital Humanities 2009: Conference Abstracts, University of Maryland, College Park 2009.
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22. M. Eder, Mind your corpus: systematic errors in authorship attribution, „Literary and Linguistic Computing” 2013 no. 28, s. 603-614.
23. F. Mosteller, D.L. Wallace, Inference and disputed authorship: the federalist. Addison-Wesley, Reading (Mass.) 1964.,.07/202633
24. E. Stamatatos, A survey of modern authorship attribution methods, „Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology” 2009 no. 60, s. 538-556.
25. M. Eder. Style-markers in authorship attribution: a cross-language study of the authorial fingerprint, „Studies in Polish Linguistics” 2011 no. 6, s. 99-114.
26. D. Hoover, Statistical stylistic and authorship attribution: an empirical investigation, „Literary and Linguistic Computing” 2001 no. 16, s. 421-444.
27. J. Burrows, ‘Delta’: a measure of stylistic difference and a guide to likely authorship, „Literary and Linguistic Computing” 2002 no. 17, 267- -287.
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32. M. Eder, Computational stylistics and Biblical translation: how reliable can a dendrogram be?, w: The translator and the computer, ed. T. Piotrowski, Ł. Grabowski, Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Filologicznej, Wrocław 2013.
33. J. Rybicki, M. Heydel, The stylistics and stylometry of collaborative translation: Woolf’s Night and Day in Polish, „Literary and Linguistic Computing” 2013 no. 28, s. 708-717.
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41. M. Eder, Visualization in stylometry: some reliability issues (w druku).
42. J. Rybicki, Pierwszy rzut oka na stylometryczną mapę literatury polskiej, „Teksty Drugie” 2014 nr 2. ; 0867-0633 ; 10.18318/td.
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Apr 4, 2024
Sep 22, 2016
Edition name | Date |
Eder M. - Metody ścisłe w literaturoznawstwie i pułapki pozornego obiektywizmu – przykład stylometrii | Apr 4, 2024 |
Eder, Maciej
Tarwid, Kazimierz