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Archaeologia Polona Vol. 46 (2008)
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
Pottery fragmentation is tantamount to a lack of identifiable ceramic finds. Yet it is the author’s considered opinion that broken pottery is, like other features, an important source of archaeological information concerning site stratification processes and unknown aspects of human activities in the past. The following is a presentation of some analyses relating to pottery fragmentation. The discussed issues include pottery fragmentation measuring systems, potsherd size and site stratification processes, archaeological structures and pottery fragmentation rates, peculiarities of potsherds from grave fill, pottery erosion and others. All the examples are an effective analytical tool for archaeological ceramics
Anderson, A. 1985. Interpreting pottery. New York
Arnold, D.E. 1985. Ceramic theory and cultural process. Cambridge
Bertelsen, R., A. Buko, A. Fossnes, J. Hood, Z. Kobyliński, K. Lind and P. Urbańczyk 1987. The Storvågan project 1985–1986. Norwegian Archaeological Review 20 (1): 51–5
Buko, A. 1981. Wczesnośredniowieczna ceramika sandomierska. Wrocław
Buko, A. 1987. L’utilisation de la poterie dans l’analyse des processus de stratification. In La céramique médiévale en mediterranée occidentale Xe–XVe sičcles, A. Galinié and J. Pilet-Lemière (eds), 23–32. Paris
Buko, A. 1990a. Ceramika wczesnopolska. Wprowadzenie do badań. Wrocław
Buko, A. 1990b. Wykorzystanie zjawiska erozji w analizach procesów formowania się stanowisk osadniczych. Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 42: 349–60
Buko, A. 1993. Ceramika wczesnośredniowieczna ze stanowiska Zamek II. In Sandomierz. Badania 1969–1973, S. Tabaczyński (ed.), 222–34. Wrocław
Buko, A. 1996. Ceramika wczesnośredniowieczna z terenu Collegium Gostomianum w Sandomierzu. In Sandomierz. Badania 1969–1973, S. Tabaczyński (ed.), 281–313. Wrocław
Buko, A. 1998a. Początki Sandomierza. Warszawa
Buko, A. 1998b. Pottery, potsherds and the archaeologist: an approach to the pottery analyses. In Theory and practice of archaeological research, III, S. Tabaczyński (ed.), 381–408. Warszawa
Buko, A (ed.) 1997. Kleczanów. Badania rozpoznawcze 1989–1992. Warszawa
Cuomo di Caprio, N. 1985. Ceramica in archeologia. Antiche techniche di lavorazione e moderni metodi d’indagine. Roma
Dowiat, J.(ed.) 1985 Kultura Polski średniowiecznej X–XII w. Warszawa
Hulthén, B. 1974. On choice of element for determination quantity of pottery. Norwegian Archaeological Review 7 (1): 1–5
Lasota-Moskalewska, A. and K. Świeżyński 1993. Szczątki zwierzęce z badań archeologicznych w Sandomierzu. In Sandomierz. Badania 1969–1973, S. Tabaczyński (ed.), 365–75. Wrocław
Orton, C., P. Tyers and A. Vince 1993. Pottery in archaeology. Cambridge
Rice, P.M. 1987. Pottery analysis. A source book. Chicago–London
Shepard, A.O. 1976 Ceramics for archaeologist. Washington D.C
Skibo, J.M. 1992. Pottery function. A use alteration perspective. New York–London
Skibo, J.M. and M.B. Schiffer 1987. The effects of water on process of ceramic abrasion. Journal of Archaeological Science 14: 83–96
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