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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Habitat and nest site selection in the Common Gull Larus canus in southern Poland: significance of man-made habitats for conservation of an endangered species
This publication is protected by copyright. Access to its digital version is possible on computer terminals in the institution that shares it.
This publication is protected by copyright. Access to its digital version is possible on computer terminals in the institution that shares it.

Title: Habitat and nest site selection in the Common Gull Larus canus in southern Poland: significance of man-made habitats for conservation of an endangered species


Siedliska oraz miejsca gniazdowania mewypospolitej w południowej Polsce: znaczenie środowisk pochodzenia antropogenicznego wochronie zagrożonego gatunku


Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences


Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences

Place of publishing:



pg(s) 137-144

Type of object:



The Common Gull is a rare and endangered breeding species at inland habitats in Poland as well as in some other countries in Europe. Breeding biology, habitat and nest site selection were studied in this species in southern Poland. Almost all birds nested on industrial water bodies (gravel pits, sedimentation basins), although fishponds and reservoirs were the most abundant habitat in the study area. Birds built their nests mainly on islets, man-made constructions and dry land on the shores of water bodies. The islets occupied by birds were smaller and were covered by lower vegetation than the unoccupied ones. When occupied islets on industrial water bodies were compared with a random sample of islets on fishponds, the latter were found to be larger, with taller and denser vegetation. This may explain why Common Gulls did not breed on fishponds in southern Poland. Shore-breeding birds nested in open areas with sparse vegetation, occupying sites with less vegetation cover and closer to shrubs or trees than randomly selected points. Breeding performance (mean date of clutch initiation, clutch size, clutch volume, hatching success and breeding success) did not differ among nests built on islets, man-made constructions or on the shores of the water bodies. Breeding success was more than twice as high as in large riverine colonies. Industrial water bodies may become important alternative breeding habitats for this species in Poland.


Acta Ornithologica





Start page:


End page:


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Resource Identifier:



MiIZ PAN, call no. P.257 ; MiIZ PAN, call no. P.4568



Language of abstract:

pol ; eng


Rights Reserved - Restricted Access

Terms of use:

Copyright-protected material. Access only on terminals at the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, may be used within the limits of statutory user freedoms.

Digitizing institution:

Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Original in:

Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Projects co-financed by:

Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund





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