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Kędra, Aleksander H. ; Mazgajski, Tomasz D. ; Kowalczyk, Krzysztof (biologia)
Acta Ornithologica, vol. 34, no. 2 ; Wpływ wielkości miejsca gniazdowego na kondycję piskląt dziuplaków, na przykładzie szpaka ; Nest-site size and starlings nestlings' condition
Polska Akademia Nauk. Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii ; Meeting of the European Ornithologists' Union (2 ; 1999 ; Gdańsk)
Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN
Referat wygłoszony na Second Meeting of the European Ornithologists' Union ; Bibliogr. p. 207-208 ; P. [205]-208 ; 27 cm ; Abstract in Polish. Taxa in Latin
Nestlings' condition parameters (body weight, tarsus and wing length) of Starling breeding in nest-boxes of various sizes were studied during two years. Two types of nest-boxes were used: normal - typical for that species, (bottom size 195 cm2, depth 22 cm) and 20-25% smaller. It was found that Starling didn't adjust their clutches to nest-box size. Also number of fledgelings was not related to nest-box size. Significant differences between nestling development in normal and smaller nest-boxes were found only during the first days of life, when nestling growth is intensive. In older stages of nestlings development those diferences dissappeared.
MiIZ PAN, call no. P.257, Vol. 34, No 2 ; MiIZ PAN, call no. P.4568, Vol. 34, No 2 ; click here to follow the link
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Feb 4, 2025
May 20, 2014
Edition name | Date |
Influence of the nest-site size on nestlings' condition, the case of starling Sturnus vulgaris / Kędra, Aleksander H. | Feb 4, 2025 |
Mazgajski, Tomasz D
Olszewski, Piotr Kowalczyk, Jan Krzysztof
Mazgajski, Tomasz D.
Mazgajski, Tomasz D.
Mazgajski, Tomasz D.
Mazgajski, Tomasz D.
Mazgajski, Tomasz D.