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Title: Współczesne kierunki badań krajobrazowych w kontekście wdrażania Europejskiej Konwencji Krajobrazowej = Contemporary directions of landscape study in the context of the implementation of the European Landscape Convention


Przegląd Geograficzny T. 86 z. 3 (2014)



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The aim of the paper is to present and assess the research on landscape ongoing in Poland, and to indicatie possible uses of existing experience in the process by which the European Landscape Convention gains implementation. The authors discuss here basic definitions, and selected examples of research in the field of landscape geography carried out in Poland. They show that the achievements of Polish geographers and landscape ecologists in identifying, analysing and assessing landscapes represents the common scientific tradition of the central part of Europe, considered one of the most comprehensively pursued anywhere in the world. This achievement should therefore constitute the basis for work on a comprehensive methodology by which to identify, delimit and assign value to landscape units, for the purposes of implementation of the European Landscape Convention in Poland. The latter suggestion at this stage reflects the fact that relevant work first arose as long ago as in the 19th century, out of studies in nature and general geography based on field observations and comparative studies, there has never been substantial implementation into practice, nor any wider popularisation in Poland. It further reflects the fact that, notwithstanding the number of years that have passed since the last more wide-ranging regionalisation and typological studies, the theoretical and main methodological basis underpinning the work has retained its value. Clearly ongoing changes in research tools and methodologies necessitate fresh thought and new solutions, but this should not happen through any abandonment of existing bases. There are specialists in the wider field of landscape who trained for decades at Polish academic centers. Their curriculum includes mapping of the landscape, at a detailed and review level, with a view to potential being evaluated, current means of use documented, recommendations made as regards future use, and so on.The new formal and legal situation relating to the requirement that the European Landscape Convention be implemented denotes far-greater involvement of well-trained specialists, both theoreticians and practitioners (dealing with all aspects of the landscape), when it comes to conceptual work on the development of a comprehensive methodology whereby landscape units may be identified, delimited and assigned value. Infuture, they will be bound, not only to participate in, but also to manage, detailed work at the regional level, within landscape audits as recognised by law.


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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund





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