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Auctior et correctior Tabula Chorographica Regni Poloniae
Cordier, Louis ( –1711) : Ryt.
Scale [ca 1:2 000 000] ; 1 map : copperplate engraving ; 29x38 cm ; Title fom cartouche On cartouche there are: coats of arms of Poland, Lithuania and dynasty of Waza, battle scene.and annotation "Stationes et loca ubi Sereniss. Rex ipsemet fuit Corona indicantur, reliqua Vero itinera per Eiusdem Generales fuere confecta". On tail margin designation: No 5 ; Supplement to Samuel Pufendorf's "De Rebus a Carolo Gustavo [...]", edited between 1696 and1729 ; Cited in: Imago Poloniae, 2002, T. 1, p. 81, [id] H20/5
CBGiOŚ. IGiPZ PAN, call no. Ds.8071 [I.1A-24] ; click here to follow the link
Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Oct 2, 2020
Jul 11, 2014
Dahlbergh, Erik (1625–1703)
Dahlbergh, Erik (1625–1703) Pufendorf, Samuel von (1632–1694) Swidde, Willem (1660–1697)
Semkowicz, Władysław Aleksander (1878–1949)
Cieszyńska, Beata Żukowska, Maria Helena Giebułtowski, Jerzy
Janssonius, Johannes (1588–1664) Pitt, Moses (1641–1697) Janssonius Van Waesberge Officina