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Smoliak, Oleg ; Shchur, Liudmyla ; Hubiak, Dmytro ; Bankovskyi, Anatoliy
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Ukrainian culture has undergone significant urbanization and globalization influences in recent decades. Under the impact of these factors, the basic features and attributes of national identity which distinguish one cultural tradition from another are leveled and disappear. To a large extent, it applies to national traditions including winter ones, the functioning of which is actively fading and dying out. A comprehensive and especially regional study of winter traditions enhances the effect and importance of national culture in the context of European and world civilization in general. The article analyzes a cycle of winter folk holidays before Christmas in Western Podillya , examines the symbolism and main components of these holidays: The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple (known in Ukraine as Introduction (Vvedennia ), St. Andrew’s Day, St. Nicolas Day. Today, the traditional winter rituals of Western Podillya still retain their main components, although under the influence of modern globalisation and urbanisation processes, they are increasingly losing its original essence and colouring. During the first and second decades of the 21st century, the gap between the local town residents and the rural population has been steadily decreasing. In contrast to the period of the 20th century, when traditional rituals prevailed mainly in rural areas, currently they are mostly concentrated in cities, where various folkloristic societies, clubs, and theatres are active agents engaged in research, restoration and development of the traditions of our ancestors by preservation of the authenticity and essence of calendar customs and rites, reinterpreting them in a modern way, and explaining their meaning to the younger generation.
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Grossman, Elwira M.
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