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21 cm ; Pol. text, eng. summary
1. Barth, F., Nomads of South Persia. The Basseri Tribe of the Khamseh Confederacy. Oslo: Oslo University Press, 1986 [1961].
2. Behar, R., Read More, Write Less. w: Writing Anthropology. Essays on Craft and Commitment, red. C. McGranahan, Durham, Duke University Press, 2020, s. 47-53.
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4. Burridge, K., Someone, No One, Princeton, Princeton University Press,1979.
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6. Ingold, T., That’s enough about ethnography!, w “HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory”, 2014, 1 (4), s. 383–395.
7. Lien, M.E., Palsson, G. Ethnography Beyond the Human: The „other-than-human” in ethnographic work, “Ethnos. Journal of Anthropology”, 2021, 86 (1), s. 1-20.
8. Klekot, E., Flying Kites Workshop, na podstawie tekstów Tima Ingolda, 2nd Colleex Workshop, EASA, Cieszyn, lipiec 2019.
9. Kuschnir, K., Ethnographic Drawing. Eleven Benefits of Using a Sketchbook for Fieldwork, “Visual Ethnography”, 2016, 1 (5), s. 103-134.
10. Nielsen. M. Rapport, N. On the Genealogy of Writing Anthropology, w: The Composition of Anthropology. How Anthropological Texts Are Written, red. M. Nielsen. N. Rapport, London, Routledge, 2018.
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12. Rapport, N., Człowiek nieprzypisany, jakikolwiek, Anyone. O uznanie podmiotu postkulturowego i kosmopolitycznego, przeł. T. Rakowski, J. S. Wasilewski, w: Colloquia Anthropologica, red. M. Buchowski, A. Bentkowski, Warszawa, WAiP, 2013.
13. Silvia, P. J., How to write a lot ? A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing, Washington, Apa Life Tools, 2007.
14. Sobaszek. W., Spiski życiowe, Dziennik węgajcki 1982-2020, Węgajty, Stowarzyszenie Węgajty, b.d.
15. Starakiewicz, M., (rys. J. Woynarowski), Model i metafora. Komunikacja wizualna w humanistyce, Kraków, Wyd. Ha!art, 2019.
16. Taussig, M., I swear I saw this. Drawings in Fieldwork Notebooks, Namely My Own. Chicago, Chicago University Press, 2011.
17. Tyler, S., Post-Modern Ethnography. From Document of the Occult to Occult Document, w: Writing Culture. The Poetic and Politics of Ethnography, red. J. Clifford, G. Marcus, Berkeley and Los Angeles, California: University of California Press, 1986. ; 0867-0633 ; 10.18318/td.2023.1.3
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Jan 29, 2024
Jun 26, 2023
Bartoszewicz, Agnieszka (1966– )
Kozhevnikova, Magdalena
Calvo, Daniela