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Recent advances in quality breeding of rapeseed
Committee on Biotechnology PAS ; Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS
Na stronie 17 dodano informację "Nowości" - "Odporność szkodników na pestycydy"
Rapeseed is the only oilseed which might be grown In North Europe. The winter type rapeseed, high yielding plant, is reach in oil (43-49%) and protein (23-24% of crude protein). The traditional varieties, however, contain high amounts of eruclc acid In oil not desired In human nutrition as well as toxic glukosinolates in meal hardly used for feed mixtures.
Biotechnologia, vol.4-3, 6-5(1990)-.
0860-7796 ;
Library of Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS
Creative Commons Attribution BY-SA 4.0 license
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Science
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Science
Apr 30, 2021
Apr 30, 2021
Edition name | Date |
Osiągnięcia w jakościowej hodowli rzepaku | Apr 30, 2021 |
Borkowska, Bożenna
Ziółkowski, Piotr Babula- Skowrońska, Danuta Kaczmarek, Małgorzata Cieśla, Agata Sadowski, Jan