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Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
There are many ways of choosing or creating a name, the ways of which vary from culture to culture,and from language to language. Chinese onyms are usually constructed of one or more elements,being mostly lexical items (morphemes or words), and retaining in most cases their own lexicalmeaning in a name, therefore they are usually semantically transparent. However, the “true” significanceof some names is sometimes very difficult to discover, and the conclusion is often basedupon guesswork. What is evident, Chinese onyms are not random combinations; they usually havea certain underlying significance, reflecting the reason or reasons why particular lexical items areused in the naming process. Chinese researchers usually do not mention “the meaning” of namesas a criterion for their semantic divisions. Their classifications are mainly based upon the variouslytermed “reasons”, “methods”, “motivations”, or “sources of naming”. Therefore, this paper dealswith some selected, typical and untypical, “methods” of creating Chinese names, especially givennames and place names.
10.17651/ONOMAST.64.8 ;
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Feb 23, 2021
Feb 22, 2021
Edition name | Date |
Nazwotwórstwo w języku chińskim / Kałużyńska, Irena | Feb 23, 2021 |