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Poles in Berlin and London: different faces of migration success. Part 2 ; Journal of Urban Ethnology 18 (2020)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN
The article, presenting the emic approach, concerns Polish migrants settling in Berlin and London, who coped with the integration process and achieved personal success on various levels. It is the second part of the whole cycle, started with the text of Agnieszka Szczepaniak-Kroll, Poles in Berlin and London: different faces of migration success. Part 1 (published in the same issue of JUE). Both are based on grant research and focus particularly on the post-accession period. The article analyses ways and strategies that caused Poles to achieve a successful existence in a new country of settlement, to meet their needs of well-being and happiness in their familial, professional and social lives. Differences and similarities in the understanding of success by migrants and strategies for achieving it were investigated. This helped to create a holistic picture of the successful and satisfactory integration of migrants, as well as a picture of their perception of success
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London Datastore,, dostęp: 04.05.2020
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Sobczyk J. R. 2009, Aksjologia sukcesu – uwarunkowania pomiaru (miary i oceny), „Prace i Materiały Wydziału Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego: Sukces organizacji. Istota, pomiar, uwarunkowania”, nr 7 (2/1), s. 81–90 ; 1429-0618 ; doi:10.23858/JUE18.2020.011
IAiE PAN, call no. P 714 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P 1505 ; click here to follow the link
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Copyright-protected material. [CC BY-NC-ND 4.0] May be used within the scope specified in Creative Commons Attribution BY-NC-ND 4.0 license, full text available at: ; -
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Operational Program Digital Poland, 2014-2020, Measure 2.3: Digital accessibility and usefulness of public sector information; funds from the European Regional Development Fund and national co-financing from the state budget. ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Feb 2, 2022
Jan 11, 2021
Edition name | Date |
Szymoszyn, Anna, 2020, Polacy w Berlinie i Londynie: różne oblicza sukcesu migracyjnego. Część 2 | Feb 2, 2022 |
Szczepaniak-Kroll, Agnieszka
Szczepaniak-Kroll, Agnieszka Szymoszyn, Anna
Kertbeny, Károly Mária (1824–1882)
Rumpf, Johann Daniel Friedrich (1766–1838)
Grodzińska, Krystyna
Posern-Zieliński, Aleksander