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Archaeologia Polona Vol. 58 (2020)
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
Tell el‑Farkha is a Predynastic site in the Eastern Delta. Among the artefacts unearthed during twenty years of excavations one of the most important groups is composed of the cosmetic palettes, discovered in the graves as well as in the settlement. During Naqada IIIB, palettes were still important elements of the equipment of graves, but in general only geometrical shapes with characteristic incised frame were used. Zoomorphic or shield-shaped palettes were very rare. At Tell el‑Farkha cosmetics palettes are known also from the settlement layers. A few bird-shaped cosmetic palettes from the Western Kom are connected with the older stage of the administrative-cultic centre, which can be dated to the beginning of Naqada IIIB. The dimensions of palettes and their distribution in the area suggests that such palettes were connected in some way with the early cult
Buszek, A. 2012. Cosmetic palettes. In M. Chłodnicki, K. M. Ciałowicz and A. Mączyńska (eds), Tell el‑Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań-Kraków, 315-322
Chłodnicki, M. and Ciałowicz, K. M. with contribution by Abłamowicz, R., Dębowska, J., Jucha, M., Kirkowski, R. and Mączyńska, A. 2004. Polish Excavations at Tell el‑Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile Delta. Preliminary report 2002–2003, Archeologia 55: 47–74
Chłodnicki, M. and Ciałowicz, K. M. 2015. Tell el‑Farkha. Excavations 2012–2013, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 24(1): 173–197
Chłodnicki, M. and Ciałowicz, K. M. 2016. Tell el‑Farkha: archaeological fieldwork 2014–2015, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 25: 227–253
Chłodnicki, M., Ciałowicz, K. M. and Mączyńska, A. (eds), 2012. Tell el‑Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań-Kraków
Chłodnicki, M., Fattovich, R. and Salvatori, S. 1991. Italian Excavations in the Nile Delta: Fresh Data and New Hypothesis on the 4th Millennium Cultural Development of Egyptian Prehistory, Rivista di Archeologia 15: 5–33
Ciałowicz, K. M. 1991. Les palettes Égyptiennes aux motifs zoomorphes et sans décoration. Études de l’art. Prédynastique, Kraków
Ciałowicz, K. M. 1992. La composition, le sens et la symbolique des scenes zoomorphes prédynastiques en relief. Les manches de couteaux. In R. Friedman and B. Adams (eds), The Followers of Horus: Studies in Memory of M. A. Hoffman, Oxford, Egyptian Studies Association Publication 2, Oxbow Monograph 20, 247-258
Ciałowicz, K. M. 2012a. Protodynastic and Early Dynastic settlement on the Western Kom. InM. Chłodnicki, K. M. Ciałowicz and A. Mączyńska (eds), Tell el‑Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań-Kraków, 163-189
Ciałowicz, K. M. 2012b. Early Egyptian objects of art. In M. Chłodnicki, K. M. Ciałowicz and A. Mączyńska (eds), Tell el‑Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań-Kraków, 201-243
Ciałowicz, K. M. 2018. Socio-political transformations in the Eastern Delta in the second half of IVth Millennium BC. View from Tell el‑Farkha. In K. M. Ciałowicz, M. Czarnowicz and M. Chłodnicki (eds), Eastern Nile Delta in the 4th Millennium BC, Kraków-Poznań, 9-20
Ciałowicz, K. M., Czarnowicz, M. and Chłodnicki, M. (eds). 2018. Eastern Nile Delta in the 4th Millennium BC, Kraków-Poznań
Dębowska-Ludwin, J. 2012. The cemetery. In M. Chłodnicki, K. M. Ciałowicz and A. Mączyńska (eds), Tell el‑Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań-Kraków, 53-75 ; 0066-5924 ; doi:10.23858/APa58.2020.014
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Mar 3, 2023
Jul 26, 2020
Edition name | Date |
Ciałowicz, Krzysztof M., 2020, A few Remarks about Cosmetic Palettes from Tell el‑Farkha | Mar 3, 2023 |
Chłodnicki, Marek (1955– ) Ciałowicz, Krzysztof Marek Czarnowicz, Marcin Dębowska-Ludwin, Joanna Jórdeczka, Maciej Jucha, Mariusz A. Mączyńska, Agnieszka Mrozek-Wysocka, Małgorzata Rozwadowski, Michał Socha, Małgorzata
Chłodnicki, Marek Ciałowicz, Krzysztof M. Bąk-Pryc, Grzegorz Dębowska-Ludwin, Joanna Jucha, Mariusz A. Rosińska-Balik, Karolina Sobas, Magdalena
Nowicki, Krzysztof
Coles, John