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Title: Charakterysytyka przeżywalności nornicy rudej (Clethrionomys glareolus Schreber 1780)


Gliwicz, Joanna

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Characteristics of survivorship of the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus Schreber 1780)


Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologii


Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe

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Bibliografia na stronach 281-283 ; 24 cm

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Using data in literature as a basis, a description is given of the survivorship and longevity of the bank vole, Clethrionomys glareolus Schreber 1780, the dominating species of forest rodent of the temperate zone. Four periods were distinguished in the life of an individual and in the phenological cycle of thewhole population, which are characterized by a different mortality rate: nestingperiod (6 weeks), period of independent life during the first summer (average2.5 "months), winter period (6 months) and the second summer (maximum 6months). Maximum longevity of individuals under natural conditions varies within limits of 18—21 months, females living longer than males (in sporadical cases through two winters).All available data on the subject of survival rate of the bank vole in the periods distinguished have been set out in Table I, and calculation made on their basis of mean values of survival rate expressed in the form of indexN i5=———. OT/o for t Nt1 month and the rate of decrease ju according to the equationNt + 1 =Nte~flt for t=l day. Using these indexes a general survivorship curve was plotted (Fig. ’1,), describing the rate of disappearance of individuals from the average population living under „average” climatic and food conditions and in a year of average numbers.Analysis was next made of factors responsible for mortality in each period of the individual’s life. During the nesting period the cause of the generally high and differentiated mortality rate are chiefly physiological and abiotic factors, but also factors of an intrapopulation character {Table II). During the first summer survival of independent individuals is determined primarily by their puberty or unpuberty, depending on many intra- and extra-population factors. Survival rate of the population in winter is determined chiefly by extra-population factors which are not subject to considerable modifications since winter mortality is very similar in different parts of the area of the species and in different years. Survival of overwintered individuals, on the other hand, is a parameter greatly modified by intrapopulation factors and may play a very important part information of population dynamics.By means of combining data on general variations in age structure of the population over the annual cycle and variations in survival characteristics of the different age groups and of different seasons a picture was obtained of variations in survival of the whole population over the annual cycle (Fig. 2). In addition differences in mortality among bank voles in different parts of its species area are discussed and consideration given to the question as to what extent predators are capable of affecting the mortality in populations of this species.


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