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Tomek, Andrzej ; Jamrozy, Grzegorz ; Kubacki, Tadeusz ; Tomek, Zofia
Consumption of herb layer plants in a forest
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii
Pages 377-389 : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 288-289) ; Abstract in Polish
Studies were done with the use of the plot-harvest method in the fresh coniferous forest (Vaccinio myrtilli-Pinetum) during the four seasons of years 1973-1975. The standing crop of ground vegetation varied from 72.09 to 151.02 g of dry weight/m2, depending upon season. The total annual consumption by herbivores amounted to 3.03 g of dry weight/m2 in young plantations, 1.43 g of dry weight/m2 in pole-sized stands, and 4.82 g of dry weight/m2 in timber stands, while the consumption by deer calculated from differences in consumption on accessible and enclosed areas amounted to 2.71, 0.86, and 2.71 g of dry weight/m2, respectively. Plants dominating in the ground vegetation contributed most to consumption by deer, although certain scarce ones were exploited to a serious extent.
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