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Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii
Pages 515-547 : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 546-547) ; Abstract in Polish
The paper presents results of studies on the distinctness of climatic and meteorological conditions in six most important centers of the pine moth outbreaks. Following factors were included in studies: temperatures (mean, extremal, active, and effective), relative humidity, precipitation, wind velocity, cloudiness, and snow cover. Studies enabled the explanation of causes of the differentiation in intensity of the mass breeding of pine moth in various outbreak centers and the determination of patterns of meteorological conditions favourable for the pine moth. Research findings may be utilized in forecasting the occurrence of pine moth.
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Feb 4, 2025
Jul 3, 2019
Edition name | Date |
Nr 4. Climatic and meteorological conditions of the pine moth (Dendrolimus pini L.) outbreaks / Leśniak A. | Feb 4, 2025 |
Leśniak, Andrzej
Leśniak, Andrzej
Symonides, Ewa
Foissac, Pierre (1801–1886)
Zając, Tadeusz
Barkowska-Sokół, Miłosława (1961– ) Pinowski, Jan (1930– ) Pinowska, Barbara
Adis, Joachim (1950–2007) Golovač, Sergej Il'ič (1952– ) Wilck, Lars Hansen, Berit Polska Akademia Nauk. Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii International Congress of Myriapodology (11 ; 1999 ; Białowieża)
Zając, Tadeusz