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Differences in Crustacea plankton of the littoral ; Zróżnicowanie przybrzeżnego planktonu skorupiakowego w zależności od morfologicznego charakteru litoralu jezior
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologiczny
Pages 159-172 : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 170-171) ; Abstract in Polish
Examination was made of the plankton Crustacea fauna in the littoral of 37 Mazurian lakes. The littoral habitat was classified according to morphological features into the following types of development sequence: the open, the accesible, the sheltered and the separate littorals. The three latter types were dealt with in these investigations. It was found that the proposed classification of the littoral coincides with the differences in the Crustacea zooplankton from the aspect of the character of the occurrence exhibited by the species composing it, and confirms the natural correctness of the division made in the habitat.
1. Allee, W.C. et al. 1955 - Principles of Animal Ecology - Philadelphia, London, XII, 837 pp.
2. Bernatowicz, S. 1960 - The Characteristic of Lakes on the Base of Vascular Plants – Roczn. Nauk roln. B, 77:79-104 (Polish, English summary).
3. Dobrowolski, K.A. 1961 - Die Korrelation zwischen den Masurischen Seen und ihrer Avifauna - Ekol. Pol. A, IX: 99-112 (Polish, German summary).
4. Kondracki, J., Szostak, M. 1960 - The Outline ot Geomorphology and Hydrography of Lakes in Węgorzewo District - Roczn. Nauk roln. B, 77:57-60 (Polish, English summary).
5. Lityński, A. 1952 - Hydrobiologia ogólna - Warszawa, 245 pp.
6. Patalas, K. 1960a - Thermal and Oxygen Conditions and Transparency of Water in 44 Lakes of Węgorzewo District - Roczn. Nauk roln. B, 77;105-222 (Polish, English Summary).
7. Patalas, K. 1960b - Mixing of Water as the Factor Defining Intensity of Food Materials Circulation in Morphologically Different Lakes of Węgorzewo District - Roczn. Nauk. Roln. B, 77:223-242 (Polish, English summary).
8. Patalas, K. 1960c- Characteristic of Chemical Composition of Water in Forty Eight Lakes of Węgorzewo District - Roczn. Nauk roln. B, 77:243-298 (Polish, English summary).
9. Patalas, K. 1960d- The Method of Classification of Primary Productivity of a Lake by Point System, Applied to the Lakes of Węgorzewo District - Roczn. Nauk. roln. B, 77:299-326 (Polish, English summary).
10. Rybak, M., Rybak, J.I. 1964 - Crustacea of the summer plankton of the littoral of lakes in the Węgorzewo district - Ekol. Pol. A, 12:
11. Rybak, J.I. 1960 - Verteilung von Crustaceenplankton im Litoral und Pelagial mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Grenze zwischen den diesen Biotopen - Ekol. Pol. A. 8:133-153 (Polish, German summary).
12. Welch, P.S. 1935 - Limnology - New York, XIV, 471 pp.
13. Zawisza, J., Patalas, K. 1960 - Limnological and Fisheries Research on Lakes in Węgorzewo District - Roczn. Nauk roln, B, 77:1-6 (Polish, English summary).
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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Rybak, Maria Rybak, Jan Igor
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