Colonization of substrates by periphyton, Nematoda ; Badania nad zasiedlaniem nowych środowisk przez nicienie (Nematoda) i niektóre inne organizmy perifitonowe
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologiczny
Pages 185-234 : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 229-231) ; Abstract in Polish
Description of a process of colonization of new substrates by periphyton organisms in the lake littoral was the aim of the study. Free-living nematodes (Nemotoda) were the main objective of the study. A degree of attachment of nematodes to a substrate, length of their life cycles, and changes in numbers were determined as based on observations which pertain to the biology and ecology of nematodes. Regularities in the process of colonization of new substrates were described. Taking an advantage of the field and laboratory experiments an analysis was made of the process of colonization, its mechanisms and controlling factors.
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