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Abundance and quantitative relations between species and ecological groups of species ; Occurrence of nematodes in alfalfa crops ; Analiza zasiedlenia nicieni w uprawach lucerny. 2, Liczebność i stosunki ilościowe pomiędzy gatunkami oraz ekologicznymi grupami gatunków
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologiczny
Pages 347-371, 1 folded leaf of plates : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 368-369) ; Abstract in Polish
Investigations were made of nematode communities in two alfalfa cultures (Medicago sativa L.) situated in the Warsaw district. The aim of the study was: 1) to ascertain variations in the total abundance of nematodes during the study years and at different seasons of these years, 2) to trace the reciprocal quantitative relations between species occurring in plants and in the soil in different years of cultivation and 3) to analyse the structure and dynamics of ecological groups of nematodes occurring in plants and in the soil, depending on the age of the culture.
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