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Ocena zagęszczenia drobnych ssaków w trzech biotopach leśnych
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologiczny
Pages 755-778 : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 776-777) ; Abstract in Polish
An intensive removal of small mammals in three forest biotopes in the Bialowieża National Park has been carried out. The Standard-Minimum (SM) method (Grodziński, Pucek and Ryszkowski 1966) has been applied. Additionally coniform traps were set up at the points of trapping with the purpose of removing Insectivore. Total 1,522 individuals of small mammals were captured. The SM method not always enables to estimate the number of lnsectivora according to the method of linear regression. It has been shown that Rodentia from the first day of removal come intensively to the area where the removal is carried out. Differences in the captures on the external strip and in the centre are significant for Rodentia and this may cause an overestimation of the number when catches from the whole area are considered. The density per one hectare should be calculated, according to this method, only for the central part. The period of removal can be shortened from seven to four-five days.
1. Andrzejewski, R., Wrocławek, H. 1962 - Settling by small rodents a terrain in which catching out had been performed - Acta theriol. 6: 257-274.
2. Davis, D. E. 1959 - Manual for analysis of rodent populations - Baltimore, IV ++ 82 pp.
3. De Lury, D. B. 1947 - On the estimation of biological populations - Biometrics, 3: 145-167.
4. Gentry, J. B., Golley, F. B., Me Ginnis, J, T. 1966 - Effect of weather on capture of small mammals - Amer. Midi. Nat. 75: 526-530.
5. Grodziński, W., Pucek., Z., Ryszkowski, L. 1966 - Estimation of rodent numbers by means of prebaiting and intensive removal - Acta theriol, 11: 297-314.
6. Hayne, D. W. 1949 - Two methods for estimating population from trapping records – J. Mammal. 30: 399-411.
7. Mystkowska, E. T., Sidorowicz, J. 1961 - Influence of the weather on captures of Micromammalia. II. Insectivora - Acta theriol. 5: 263-273.
8. Olszewski, J. (in press) - Role of uprooted trees in the movement of rodents in the forest - Oikos.
9. Ryszkowski, L., Andrzejewski, R., Petrusewicz, K. 1966 - Comparison of estimates of numbers obtained by the methods of release of marked individuals and complete removal of rodents - Acta theriol. 11: 329-341.
10. Sidorowicz, J, 1960 - Influence of the weather on capture of Micromammalia. I. Rodents (Rodentia) - Acta theriol. 4: 139-158.
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Feb 4, 2025
Apr 17, 2019
Edition name | Date |
Nr 39. Estimation of small mammal density in three forest biotopes / Aulak W. | Feb 4, 2025 |
Wójcik, A. M.
Aulak, Władysław
Zalewski, A.
Brzezinski, M. Jedrzejewski, W. Jedrzejewska, B.
Zalewski, A.
Tomiałojć, Ludwik (1939– )
Mikołajczyk, Waldemar Polska Akademia Nauk. Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii