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Mobility by individual transport is determined by many factors that influence the ownership and use of a car. These factors can be divided into categories related to: spatial structure, household socio-economic and demographic characteristics, situation associated with a given journey, including purposes of journey-making. The aim of the paper is to have a closer look at the aforementioned factors with particular reference to spatial aspect. The conclusions to the article underline that the traffic congestion increases and the quality of public transport improves with the growth of settlement network density, which results in a lower level of car use and lower level of motorization rate. This is particularly noticeable in large cities. In turn, in peripherally located rural areas, there is lack of alternative modes of transport, which, combined with longer travel distances to destinations, contributes both to increased motorization as well as to a relatively higher cars’ mileages.
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
European Union. European Regional Development Fund ; Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure
Mar 10, 2025
Dec 27, 2016
Edition name | Date |
Rosik P. - Determinants of demand in individual transport with particular reference to spatial aspect | Mar 10, 2025 |
Michniak, Daniel
Smętkowski, Maciej
Taylor, Zbigniew (1946– )
Krasińska, M. Caboń-Raczyńska, K. Krasiński, Z. A.
Smętkowski, Maciej
Fruziński, B. Łabudzki, L. Wlazełko, M.