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In this text I present the outcome of analysis concerning the southern peripheral areas of Wroclaw that have been formed as a result of individual decisions of developers and individuals. The case study includes the districts located along the southern border of the city: Ołtaszyn Wojszyce – Jagodno – Brochów with its adjacent villages: Wysoka – Radomierzyce – Biestrzyków, Żerniki Wrocławskie – Iwiny – Smardzów – Zacharzyce. As one of the largest sprawl areas of the city, it illustrates the threats stemming from this process, but simultaneously it enables testing the flexibility of such sites in terms of opportunities for sustainable development. The analysis of the conflict of scales (regional, municipal and local) and morphology (intensity, consistency tissue, granulation and availability) of this planless and chaotic development leads to discovering its regularity, and above all, to determining the reserves (i.e. uncultivated land) that can be used to increase the quality of urban life in the future.
1. Dziubiński D., 2015. Green areas in strategies of controlling city structure, 2nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts, SGEM 2015: conference proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, Book 4, Arts, performing arts, architecture and design : history of arts, contemporary arts, performing and visual arts, architecture and design. Sofia: STEF92 Technology, pp. 439-446.
2. Joutsiniemi A., Michaeli M., 2005. Netzstadt–Threshold and Dynamic Scale, Forschungsarbeit vorgestellt an der Cupum Konferenz, London, asp?pID=232 [20 May 2016].
3. Oswald F., Baccini P. Michaeli M., 2003. Netzstadt – Designing the Urban. Birkhäuser, Basel, Boston, Berlin.
4. Sieverts T., 2003. Cities Without Cities: An Interpretation of the Zwischenstadt. New York: Routledge. -
5. Studium Uwarunkowań i kierunków rozwoju Wrocławia, aspx?numer=L/1467/10 [20 May 2016].
File size 4,3 MB ; application/pdf ; 1429-7132 ; 10.7163/Eu21.2016.31.2
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
European Union. European Regional Development Fund ; Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure
Oct 13, 2023
Dec 27, 2016
Edition name | Date |
Dziubiński D. - Development flexibility of the city sprawl areas pictured by the area in the southern part of Wroclaw | Oct 13, 2023 |
Malinowski, Jacek
Vesmanis, I.
Hadži, Jovan (1884–1972)