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Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu = The Problems of Landscape Ecology, t. 38
Polska Asocjacja Ekologii Krajobrazu ; Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania im. Stanisława Leszczyckiego.
Bibliogr. ; Summ. eng. ; 244 p. : il. (color.) ; 24 cm
GraphScape is a stand-alone software that exploit vector maps of landscape mosaics. It identifies the shortest path between chosen patches. The shortest path is defined as the path with the minimal sum of resistances for patches and borders to be crossed. Three categories of resistances are incorporated to modify the minimum spanning tree: (a) Patch class resistance (based on the patch suitability for a given species and/or process); (b) Resistance of a patch-to-patch transfer (based on structural/ecological similarity of adjacent patches); (c) Resistance of the patch size and shape (based on a preferred patch size/shape metrics, e.g. the radius of gyration). When all the resistances are not determined (and equal one by convention) then the shortest path is defined as the path with the minimal number of borders to be crossed. On the basis of the identified paths some new landscape metrics are proposed for the Patch and Class levels, e.g.: [Mean] Number of Steps, [Transfer/Patch_Type/Patch_Size] Weighted Number of Steps, Path Elongation (=Weighted Number of Steps / Number of Steps), Path Sum of Resistance, Mean Path Sum of Resistance. Depending on the way of patches choice and resistance defining, the results are useful for identifying, describing and illustrating: (a) Patch and Patch class isolation; (b) Paths in the landscape; (c) Critical patches (nodes for many paths or with the highest resistance). The ecological sense and practical usefulness of the results depend of the kind and accuracy of the input map
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Aug 2, 2023
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