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Ravensteins Bürokarte der Provinz Ostpreussen und der Freien Stadt Danzig : Massstab 1:300 000
Ravenstein, Hans (1866–1934) : Oprac.
Geographische Verlagsanstalt u. Druckerei Ludwig Ravenstein
Volksausg. Nr. 10 ; Scale 1:300 000 ; 1 map : col. ; 103x110 cm, on sheet 105x112 cm, folded in cover 21x13 cm ; Date of publication based on map contents and on the map marigin abbreviation: 26 (probably date of printing 1926) ; Prime meridian Ferro ; Map in German, some geographical names also in Polish
CBGiOŚ. IGiPZ PAN, call no. D.3365 [m.polit-adm.-inne tereny9] ; click here to follow the link
Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Oct 2, 2020
Jun 19, 2013