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Teksty Drugie Nr 1 (2024) - Special Issue - English Edition
21 cm ; Pol. text, eng. summary
1. Bakhtin, Mikhail. The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays, translated by Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist. University of Texas Press, 1981.
2. Brumlik, Micha. “Postmemory und transgenerationales Trauma.” In Die Shoah in Bildung und Erziehung heute, edited by Marina Chernivsky and Friederike Lorenz-Sinai. Barbara Budrich, 2022.
3. Engelking, Barbara. Czas przestał dla mnie istnieć….IFiS PAN, 1996.
4. Engelking, Barbara, and Beata Chomątowska. “W czasie zawieszonym.” Tygodnik Powszechny April 16, 2018.
5. Engelking, Barbara, and Jacek Leociak. Getto warszawskie: przewodnik po nieistniejącym mieście. IFiS PAN, 2001.
6. Engelking, Barbara and Jacek Leociak. The Warsaw Ghetto: A Guide to the Perished City, translated by Emma Harris. Yale University Press, 2009.
7. Engelking, Barbara, and Gunnar Paulsson. Holocaust and Memory. Leicester University Press, 2001.
8. Falconer, Rachel. Hell in Contemporary Literature: Western Descent Narratives since 1945. Edinburgh University Press, 2004.
9. Fink, Ida. A Scrap of Time and Other Stories, translated by Madeline Levine and Francine Prose. Northwestern University Press, 1998.
10. Goldin, Lejb. “Kronik fun [mes-les].” Ringelblum Archive, ARG I 1219 (26).
11. Kassow, Samuel. Who Will Write Our History?: Emanuel Ringelblum, the Warsaw Ghetto, and the Oyneg Shabes Archive. Indiana University Press, 2007.
12. Kruk, Herman. “Library and Reading Room in the Vilna Ghetto, Strashun Street 6,” translated Zachary M. Baker. In The Holocaust and the Book: Destruction and Preservation, edited by Jonathan Rose. University of Massachusetts Press, 2001.
13. Morson, Gary Saul, and Caryl Emerson. Mikhail Bakhtin: Creation of a Prosaics. Stanford University Press, 1990.
14. Nikolajeva, Maria. From Mythic to Linear: Time in Children’s Literature. Children’s Literature Association and Scarecrow Press, 2000.
15. Orlev, Uri. The Island on Bird Street, translated by Hillel Halkin. Houghton Mifflin, 1984.
16. Oyerbakh, Rokhl. Varshover tsavoes. Yisroel Bukh, 1974.
17. Safier, David. 28 Tage lang. Kindler, 2014.
18. Safier, David. 28 Days, translated by Helen MacCormac. Feiwel and Friends, 2020.
19. Steinby, Liisa. “Bakhtin’s Concept of the Chronotope: The Viewpoint of an Acting Subject.” In Bakhtin and his Others: (Inter)subjectivity, Chronotope, Dialogism, edited by Liisa Steinby and Tintti Klapuri. Anthem, 2013.
20. Stewart, Susan. “Shifting Worlds: Constructing the Subject, Narrative, and History in Historical Time Shifts.” In Telling Children’s Stories: Narrative Theory and Children’s Literature, edited by Michael Cadden. Univesity of Nebraska Press, 2010.
21. Szczygielski, Marcin. Arka czasu, czyli, wielka ucieczka Rafała od kiedyś przez wtedy do teraz i wstecz. Stentor, 2013.
22. Vice, Sue. Children Writing the Holocaust. Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
23. Vice, Sue. “Trauma, Postmodernism and Descent: Contemporary Holocaust Criticism in Britain.” Holocaust Studies 11 (1) (2005).
24. Wittenberg, David. Time Travel: The Popular Philosophy of Narrative Fordham University Press, 2012.
25. Wójcik-Dudek, Małgorzata. Reading (in) the Holocaust, translated by Lucyna Aleksandrowicz-Pędich. Peter Lang, 2020.
26. Yolen, Jane. The Devil’s Arithmetic. Viking, 1988.
27. Toby Axelrod, Jewish Life in Germany: Achievements, Challenges and Priorities since the Collapse of Communism, 2013. Germany.pdf. ; 0867-0633 ; 10.18318/td.2024.en.1.16
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Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Literary Research PAS
Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Jul 30, 2024
Jul 11, 2024
Edition name | Date |
Feldman D. - Reading Time in Youth Novels about the Warsaw Ghetto | Jul 30, 2024 |
Leociak, Jacek
Leociak, Jacek
Kalla, Irena Barbara Poniatowska, Patrycja
Konik, Jacek