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Kłapyta, Piotr
Mîndrescu, Marcel
Zasadni, Jerzy
Geographia Polonica Vol. 96 No. 1 (2023)
The Late Pleistocene Jupania palaeoglacier (area 0.85 km2 , 1.7 km long) was reconstructed in the headwaters of the Ceremuşul Alb/Bilyj Cheremosh valley (Maramureş Mountains). The study area represents one of the most inaccessible natural areas in the Romanian part of the Eastern Carpathians where the legacy of the Pleistocene glaciation has recently been discovered. Based on mapping of glacial landforms and deposits, we reconstruct glacier dimension and ice-surface geometry, as well as estimate equilibrium line altitude (ELA) during the maximal ice extent (MIE). Well-preserved terminal moraines mark the extent of glacier front at ~1400 m a.s.l. Sedimentological analysis documents that the lateral moraines are sometimes overbuilt by 1-1.5 m thick colluvial deposits. The ELA for the Jupania palaeoglacier calculated with the Area-AltitudeBalance-Ratio (AABR) 1.6 was 1630 m. However, the gentle-sloping mountain-top could serve as an important snow contribution area to glacier mass balance; therefore, the ELA could potentially exist even higher at 1676 m. The resulting climatic ELA (1630-1676 m) in the south-eastern part of the Maramureş Mountains fits well with the rising trend of ELA towards the southeast observed between Chornohora (ELA = 1516 m) and Rodna Mountains (ELA = 1697 m). The SE rising trend of the ELA corresponds well with the dominant palaeowind direction suggested in the Carpathian region and supports the prevalence of zonal circulation pattern in Central Eastern Europe during the culumination of the last glaciation.
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Apr 21, 2023
Apr 21, 2023
Edition name | Date |
Kłapyta P. i in. : Late Pleistocene glaciation in the headwaters of the Ceremuşul Alb valley (Maramureş Mountains, Romania) | Apr 21, 2023 |
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