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Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
The article presents an outline of critical methodology in relation to toponomastics. Critical research is aimed at uncovering hidden ideologies that constitute the background of the formation or change of geographical names of various categories. In the article, the traditions of toponomastic research are shown, and against their background, the possibilities of including in such research also the critical perspective are presented. Specific examples of both research and social processes that regulate the changes of names (e.g. of streets, countries) are shown. The perspectives of critical toponomastics research are outlined; this research may be undertaken, if both theoretical methodological assumptions (the notion of social space, cultural space, symbolic power, collective memory) and source resources (the use and registration of names by users) are modified.
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Feb 3, 2022
Feb 3, 2022
Edition name | Date |
O metodzie krytycznej w toponomastyce / Rutkowski, Mariusz | Feb 3, 2022 |
Tabaszewska, Justyna