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Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
The Osěk- and Osěč- names form a small group of place names which designate settlements near a border barrier. The individual tribal areas were usually encircled by a wide band of primeval forest. In the early Middle Ages access to a tribal area was safeguarded by a border barrier. For this purpose one chopped off branches and tree tops at a height of two meters and thus created an impenetrable obstacle. The passage way was easy to control and defend. The Proto-Slavic words *osěkъ and *osěčь which refer to these constructions are derived from the Proto-Slavic verb *osěkati, meaning “to chop branches off the trees, to trim, hew trees”. In this article all respective place names of the Old Sorbian language area are compiled and historically documented. In addition, the site of a tribal area or an old traffic connection is described. A multicolored map illustrates the results of the research.
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Feb 3, 2022
Jan 27, 2022
Edition name | Date |
Die altsorbischen Osěk- und Osěč- Namen / Wenzel, Walter | Feb 3, 2022 |
Udolph, Jürgen
Bijak, Urszula : Red. Swoboda, Paweł : Red. Czopek-Kopciuch, Barbara Nobis, Iwona Przybytek, Rozalia Sucharska, Katarzyna