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Wolski, Jacek (1971– )
Affek, Andrzej Norbert
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Roo-Zielińska, Ewa (1948– )
Przegląd Geograficzny T. 93 z. 3 (2021)
The aim of this work was to review the latest literature in terms of the use of phytosociological relevés (vegetation plots) in research on the natural environment. The systematic review included 321 articles published in 2010‑2021 in the most renowned journals (indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection with a score ≥100 according to the 2021 list of journals of the Poland’s Ministry of Education and Science). The research questions were: in which fields of science and practice, for what purposes and on what spatial scales the phytosociological relevés are currently used. After initial review, the articles were divided into 10 thematic groups: 1) classification of plant communities, 2) methodological studies, 3) relationship between vegetation and other elements of the environment, 4) occurrence of invasive plant species, 5) indicative role of vegetation, 6) plant communities as habitats for animals, 7) human footprint on vegetation, 8) long-term vegetation changes, 9) combining phytosociological methods with remote sensing methods, 10) social studies. The results showed that phytosociological relevés, as the method to investigate vegetation developed in the first decades of the 20th century, are still widely used in many regions of the world. The most numerous thematic group comprised articles that show how habitat conditions impact the distribution and diversity of plant species and their communities, while the least numerous – studies combining natural and social research. The vast majority of research was dedicated to environmental problems, although social and economic aspects were also present. These were both theoretical and methodological works, as well as detailed studies, which resulted in the formation of recommendations and practical guidelines for nature protection or spatial planning. Recently, relevés have been rarely used solely to distinguish and characterise plant communities, as originally intended by those who invented this method. However, thanks to modern statistical and computer tools, more and more attempts are being made to create automatic classifications with the use of artificial intelligence, e.g. neural networks. The geographic scope was usually restricted to one country (local and regional – 241 articles) or to two or more bordering countries (47). Continental (19) and global (7) studies are less common and studies within Europe prevail. It is because the discussed method was developed and is best known in Europe (Franco-Swiss Phytosociological School), and its dissemination throughout the world is only an evidence of its universality and efficiency. The recent larger-scale studies became possible mainly due to the development of transnational vegetation databases, e.g. the widely utilised European Vegetation Database – EVA.
Aavik, T., & Liira, J. (2010). Quantifying the effect of organic farming, field boundary type and land‑scape structure on the vegetation of field boundaries. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 135(3), 178‑186.
Abadie, J., Dupouey, J.L., Salvaudon, A., Gachet, S., Videau, N., Avon, C., Dumont, J., Tatoni, T., & Bergès, L. (2021). Historical ecology of Mediterranean forests: Land use legacies on current understorey plants differ with time since abandonment and former agricultural use. Journal of Vegetation Science, 32, e12860.
Affeld, K., Wiser, S.K., Payton, I.J., & de Cáceres, M. (2018). Using classification assignment rules to assess land-use change impacts on forest biodiversity at local-to-national scales. Forest Ecosystems, 5(13).‑017‑0121-z
Alessi, N., Wellstein, C., Rocchini, D., Midolo, G., Oeggl, K., & Zerbe, S. (2021). Surface tradeoffs and elevational shifts at the largest italian glacier: A thirty-years time series of remotely-sensed images. Remote Sensing, 13(1), 1‑14.
Alexander, C., Moeslund, J.E., Bøcher, P.K., Arge, L., & Svenning, J.C. (2013). Airborne laser scanner (LiDAR) proxies for understory light conditions. Remote Sensing of Environment, 134, 152‑161.
Avon, C., Bergès, L., & Dupouey, J.-L. (2015). Landscape effects on plants in forests: Large-scale context determines local plant response. Landscape and Urban Planning, 144, 65‑73.
Axmanová, I., Tichý, L., Fajmonová, Z., Hájková, P., Hettenbergerová, E., Li, C.-F., Merunková, K., Nejezchlebová, M., Otýpková, Z., Vymazalová, M., & Zelený, D. (2012). Estimation of herbaceous biomass from species composition and cover. Applied Vegetation Science, 15(4), 580‑589.‑109X.2012.01191.x
Baraloto, C., Alverga, P., Baéz Quispe, S., Barnes, G., Bejar Chura, N., Brasil da Silva, I., Castro, W., da Souza, H., de Souza Moll, I., del Alcazar Chilo, J., Duenas Linares, H., Garate Quispe, J., Kenji, D., Medeiros, H., Murphy, S., Rockwell, C.A., Shenkin, A., Silveira, M., Southworth, J., …& Perz, S. (2014). Trade-offs among forest value components in community forests of south‑western Amazonia. Ecology and Society, 19(4), 56.‑190456
Bazzichetto, M., Malavasi, M., Acosta, A.T.R., & Carranza, M.L. (2016). How does dune morphology shape coastal EC habitats occurrence? A remote sensing approach using airborne LiDAR on the Mediterranean coast. Ecological Indicators, 71, 618‑626.
Becker-Scarpitta, A., Vissault, S., & Vellend, M. (2019). Four decades of plant community change along a continental gradient of warming. Global Change Biology, 25(5), 1629‑1641.
Becker, T., Spanka, J., Schröder, L., & Leuschner, C. (2017). Forty years of vegetation change in former coppice-with-standards woodlands as a result of management change and N deposition. Applied Vegetation Science, 20(2), 304‑313.
de Bello, F., Fibich, P., Zelený, D., Kopecký, M., Mudrák, O., Chytrý, M., Pyšek, P., Wild, J., Michalcová, D., Sádlo, J., Šmilauer, P., Lepš, J., & Päertel, M. (2016). Measuring size and composition of species pools: a comparison of dark diversity estimates. Ecology and Evolution, 6(12), 4088‑4101.
Braun-Blanquet, J. (1921). Prinzipien einer Systematik der Pflanzengesellschaften auf floristischen Grundlage. Jahrbuch der St. Gallischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, 57, 305‑351.
Braun-Blanquet, J. (1964). Pflanzensoziologie. Grundzüge der Vegetationskunde. Wien-New York: Springer-Verlag.
Bruelheide, H., Dengler, J., Purschke, O., Lenoir, J., Jiménez-Alfaro, B., Hennekens, S.M., … & Jandt, U. (2018). Global trait-environment relationships of plant communities. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 12(2), 1906‑1917.‑018‑0699‑8
Bruelheide, H., Dengler, J., Jiménez-Alfaro, B., Purschke, O., Hennekens, S.M., Chytrý, M., … & Zverev, A. (2019). sPlot - A new tool for global vegetation analyses. Journal of Vegetation Science, 30(2), 161‑186.
Bruschi, P., Mancini, M., Mattioli, E., Morganti, M., & Signorini, M.A. (2014). Traditional uses of plants in a rural community of Mozambique and possible links with Miombo degradation and harvesting sustainability. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 10(1), 59.‑4269‑10‑59
de Cáceres, M., Font, X., & Oliva, F. (2010). The management of vegetation classifications with fuzzy clustering. Journal of Vegetation Science, 21(6), 1138‑1151.‑1103.2010.01211.x
Campbell, A., & Wang, Y. (2019). High spatial resolution remote sensing for salt marsh mapping and change analysis at fire Island national seashore. Remote Sensing, 11(9), 1107.
Cano-Ortiz, A., Musarella, C.M., Piñar Fuentes, J.C., Pinto Gomes, C.J., Quinto-Canas, R., del Río, S., & Cano, E. (2021). Indicative Value of the Dominant Plant Species for a Rapid Evaluation of the Nutritional Value of Soils. Agronomy, 11(1), 1.
Carboni, M., Santoro, R., & Acosta, A.T.R. (2010). Are some communities of the coastal dune zonation more susceptible to alien plant invasion? Journal of Plant Ecology, 3(2), 139‑147.
Carboni, M., Santoro, R., & Acosta, A.T.R. (2011). Dealing with scarce data to understand how environmental gradients and propagule pressure shape fine-scale alien distribution patterns on coastal dunes. Journal of Vegetation Science, 22(5), 751‑765.‑1103.2011.01303.x
Čepelová, B., & Münzbergová, Z. (2012). Factors determining the plant species diversity and species composition in a suburban landscape. Landscape and Urban Planning, 106(4), 336‑346.
Chollet, S., Bergman, C., Gaston, A.J., & Martin, J.-L. (2014). Long-term consequences of invasive deer on songbird communities: Going from bad to worse? Biological Invasions, 17(2), 777‑790.‑014‑0768‑0
Chytrý, M., Wild, J., Pyšek, P., Jarošik, V., Dendoncker, N., Reginster, I., Pino, J., Maskell, L.C., Vilà, M., Pergl, J., Kühn, I., Spangenberg, J.H., & Settele, J. (2012). Projecting trends in plant invasions in Europe under different scenarios of future land-use change. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21(1), 75‑87.‑8238.2010.00573.x
Chytrý, M., Hennekens, S.M., Jiménez-Alfaro, B., Knollová, I., Dengler, J., Jansen, F., … & Yamalov, S. (2016). European Vegetation Archive (EVA): An integrated database of European vegetation plots. Applied Vegetation Science, 19(1), 173‑180.
Chytrý, M., Tichý, L., Hennekens, S.M., Knollová, I., Janssen, J.A.M., Rodwell, J.S., … & Schaminée,J.H.J. (2020). EUNIS Habitat Classification: Expert system, characteristic species combinations and distribution maps of European habitats. Applied Vegetation Science, 23(4), 648‑675.
Das, A.A., John, R., & Anand, M. (2017). Does structural connectivity influence tree species distributions and abundance in a naturally discontinuous tropical forest formation? Journal of Vegetation Science, 28(1), 7‑18.
Dedieu, J.P., Carlson, B.Z., Bigot, S., Sirguey, P., Vionnet, V., & Choler, P. (2016). On the importance of high-resolution time series of optical imagery for quantifying the effects of snow cover duration on alpine plant habitat. Remote Sensing, 8(6), 481.
de Frenne, P., Rodríguez-Sánchez, F., Coomes, D.A., Baeten, L., Verstraeten, G., Vellen, M., … & Verheyen, K. (2013). Microclimate moderates plant responses to macroclimate warming. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(46), 18561‑18565.
Dengler, J., Jansen, F., Glöeckler, F., Peet, R.K., de Cáceres, M., Chytrý, M., Ewald, J., Oldeland, J., Lopez-Gonzalez, G., Finckh, M., Mucina, L., Rodwell, J.S., Schaminée, J.H.J., & Spencer, N. (2011). The Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases (GIVD): a new resource for vegetation science. Journal of Vegetation Science, 22(4), 582‑597.‑1103.2011.01265.x
Dirnböck, T., Grandin, U., Bernhardt-Römermann, M., Beudert, B., Canullo, R., Forsius, M., Grabner, M.T., Holmberg, M., Kleemola, S., Lundin, L., Mirtl, M., Neumann, M., Pompei, E., Salemaa, M., Starlinger, F., Staszewski, T., & Uziębło, A.K. (2014). Forest floor vegetation response to nitrogen deposition in Europe. Global Change Biology, 20(2), 429‑440.
Divíšek, J., Hájek, M., Jamrichová, E., Petr, L., Večeřa, M., Tichý, L., Willner, W., & Horsák, M. (2020). Holocene matters: Landscape history accounts for current species richness of vascular plants in forests and grasslands of eastern Central Europe. Journal of Biogeography, 47(3), 721‑735.
Douda, J., Boublík, K., Slezák, M., Biurrun, I., Nociar, J., Havrdová, A., … & Zimmermann, N.E. (2016). Vegetation classification and biogeography of European floodplain forests and alder carrs. Applied Vegetation Science, 19(1), 147‑163.
Dyderski, M.K., & Jagodziński, A.M. (2019). Context-Dependence of Urban Forest Vegetation Invasion Level and Alien Species' Ecological Success. Forests, 10(1), 26.
Dzwonko, Z. (2007). Przewodnik do badań fitosocjologicznych. Vademecum Geobotanicum. Poznań-Kraków: Wydawnictwo Sorus.
Ellenberg, H., Weber, H.E., Düll, R., Wirth, V., Werner, W., & Paulißen, D. (1992). Zeigerwerte von Pflanzen in Mitteleuropa. Scripta Geobotanica, 18. Göttingen.
El-Sheikh, M.A., Thomas, J., Alfarhan, A.H., Alatar, A.A., Mayandy, S., Hennekens, S.M., Schaminee, J.H.J., Mucina, L., & Alansari, A.M. (2016). SaudiVeg ecoinformatics: Aims, current status and perspectives. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 24(2), 389‑398.
Feilhauer, H., Somers, B., & van der Linden, S. (2017). Optical trait indicators for remote sensing of plant species composition: Predictive power and seasonal variability. Ecological Indicators, 73, 825‑833.
Fischer, A., Fischer, H.S., Kopecký, M., Macek, M., & Wild, J. (2015). Small changes in species composition despite stand-replacing bark beetle outbreak in Picea abies mountain forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 45(9), 1164‑1171.‑0474
Florens, F.B.V., Baider, C., Seegoolam, N.B., Zmanay, Z., & Strasberg, D. (2017). Long-term declines of native trees in an oceanic island's tropical forests invaded by alien plants. Applied Vegetation Science, 20(1), 94‑105.
Gégout, J.-C., & Coudun, Ch. (2012). The right relevé in the right vegetation unit: a new typicality index to reproduce expert judgement with an automatic classification programme. Journal of Vegetation Science, 23(1), 24‑32.‑1103.2011.01337.x
Gentili, R., Casati, E., Ferrario, A., Monti, A., Montagnani, C., Caronni, S., & Citterio, S. (2020). Vegetation cover and biodiversity levels are driven by backfilling material in quarry restoration. Catena, 195, 104839.
Gholizadeh, H., Naqinezhad, A., & Chytrý, M. (2020). Classification of the Hyrcanian forest vegetation, Northern Iran. Applied Vegetation Science, 23(1), 107‑126.
Gilardelli, F., Sgorbati, S., Armiraglio, S., Citterio, S., & Gentili, R. (2015). Ecological Filtering and Plant Traits Variation Across Quarry Geomorphological Surfaces: Implication for Restoration. Environmental Management, 55(5), 1147‑1159.‑015‑0450-z
Gilardelli, F., Sgorbati, S., Citterio, S., & Gentili, R. (2016). Restoring Limestone Quarries: Hayseed, Commercial Seed Mixture or Spontaneous Succession? Land Degradation and Development, 27(2), 316‑324.
Giorgis, M.A., Cingolani, A.M., Tecco, P.A., Cabido, M., Poca, M., & von Wehrden, H. (2016). Testing alien plant distribution and habitat invasibility in mountain ecosystems: growth form matters. Biological Invasions, 18(7), 2017‑2028.‑016‑1148‑8
Govaert, S., Meeussen, C., Vanneste, T., Bollmann, K., Brunet, J., Cousins, S.A.O., Diekmann, M., Graae, B.J., Hedwall, P.O., Heinken, T., Iacopetti, G., Lenoir, J., Lindmo, S., Orczewska, A., Perring, M.P., Ponette, Q., Plue, J., Selvi, F., Spicher, F., … & de Frenne, P. (2020). Edge influence on understorey plant communities depends on forest management. Journal of Vegetation Science, 31(2), 281‑292.
Güler, B., Jentsch, A., Apostolova, I., Bartha, S., Bloor, J.M.G., Campetella, G., Canullo, R., Házi, J., Kreyling, J., Pottier, J., Szabó, G., Terziyska, T., Uğurlu, E., Wellstein, C., Zimmermann, Z., & Dengler, J. (2016). How plot shape and spatial arrangement affect plant species richness counts: implications for sampling design and rarefaction analyses. Journal of Vegetation Science, 27(4), 692‑703.
Harris, R.B., Wenying, W., Badinqiuying, Smith, A.T., & Bedunah, D.J. (2015). Herbivory and competition of Tibetan steppe vegetation in winter pasture: Effects of livestock exclosure and plateau pika reduction. PLoS One, 10(7), e0132897.
Hédl, R., Bernhardt-Römermann, M., Grytnes, J.A., Jurasinski, G., & Ewald, J. (2017). Resurvey of historical vegetation plots: a tool for understanding long-term dynamics of plant communities. Applied Vegetation Science, 20(2), 161‑163.édl, R., Bernhardt-Römermann, M., Grytnes, J.A., Jurasinski, G., & Ewald, J. (2017). Resurvey of historical vegetation plots: a tool for understanding long-term dynamics of plant communities. Applied Vegetation Science, 20(2), 161‑163.
Hemp, A., & Hemp, C. (2018). Broken bridges: The isolation of Kilimanjaro's ecosystem. Global Change Biology, 24(8), 3499‑3507.
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Hernández, H.J., & Villaseñor, N.R. (2018). Twelve-year change in tree diversity and spatial segregation in the Mediterranean city of Santiago, Chile. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 29, 10‑18.
Höft, A., Müller, J., & Gerowitt, B. (2010). Vegetation indicators for grazing activities on grassland to be implemented in outcome-oriented agri-environmental payment schemes in North-East Germany. Ecological Indicators, 10(3), 719‑726.
Hrivnák, R., Slezák, M., Jarčuška, B., Jarolímek, I., & Kochjarová, J. (2015). Native and alien plant species richness response to soil nitrogen and phosphorus in temperate floodplain and swamp forests. Forests, 6(10), 3501‑3513.
Janišová, M., Michalcová, D., Bacaro, G., & Ghisla, A. (2013). Landscape effects on diversity of semi-natural grasslands. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 182, 47‑58.
Jansen, F., Ewald, J., & Zerbe, S. (2011). Ecological preferences of alien plant species in North-Eastern Germany. Biological Invasions, 13(12), 2691‑2701.‑011‑9939‑4
Jiménez-Alfaro, B., Girardello, M., Chytrý, M., Svenning, J.C., Willner, W., Gégout, J.C., Agrillo, E., Campos, J.A., Jandt, U., Kącki, Z., Šilc, U., Slezák, M., Tichý, L., Tsiripidis, I., Turtureanu, P.D., Ujházyová, M., & Wohlgemuth, T. (2018). History and environment shape species pools and community diversity in European beech forests. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2(3), 483‑490.‑017‑0462‑6
Jorgenson, J.C., Ver Hoef, J.M., & Jorgenson, A.M.T. (2010). Long-term recovery patterns of arctic tundra after winter seismic exploration. Ecological Applications, 20(1), 205‑221.‑1856.1
Junsongduang, A., Balslev, H., Inta, A., Jampeetong, A., & Wangpakapattanawong, P. (2013). Medicinal plants from swidden fallows and sacred forest of the Karen and the Lawa in Thailand. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 9(1), 4.‑4269‑9-44
Kalníková, V., Chytrý, K., Biţa-Nicolae, C., Bracco, F., Font, X., Iakushenko, D., … & Chytrý, M. (2021). Vegetation of the European mountain river gravel bars: A formalized classification. Applied Vegetation Science, 24(1), e12542.
Kalusová, V., Chytrý, M., Peet, R.K., & Wentworth, T.R. (2015). Intercontinental comparison of habitat levels of invasion between temperate North America and Europe. Ecology, 96(12), 3363‑3373.‑0021.1
Kapfer, J., Hédl, R., Jurasinski, G., Kopecký, M., Schei, F.H., & Grytnes, J.A. (2017). Resurveying historical vegetation data - opportunities and challenges. Applied Vegetation Science, 20(2), 164‑171.
Karlsen, S.R., Jepsen, J.U., Odland, A., Ims, R.A., & Elvebakk, A. (2013). Outbreaks by canopy-feeding geometrid moth cause state-dependent shifts in understorey plant communities. Oecologia, 173(3), 859‑870.‑013‑2648‑1
Kącki, Z., & Śliwiński, M. (2012). The Polish Vegetation Database: Structure, resources and development. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 81(2), 75‑79.
Keim, J.L., DeWitt, P.D., Fitzpatrick, J.J., & Jenni, N.S. (2016). Estimating plant abundance using inflated beta distributions: Applied learnings from a lichen-caribou ecosystem. Ecology and Evolution, 7(2), 486‑493.
Kidron, G.J. (2016). Goat trampling affects plant establishment, runoff and sediment yields over crusted dunes. Hydrological Processes, 30(13), 2237‑2246.
Kirby, K.J., Goldberg, E.A., Isted, R., Perry, S.C., & Thomas, R.C. (2016). Long-term changes in the tree and shrub layers of a British nature reserve and their relevance for woodland conservation management. Journal for Nature Conservation, 31, 51‑60.
Koide, D., Yoshida, K., Daehler, C.C., & Mueller-Dombois, D. (2017). An upward elevation shift of native and non-native vascular plants over 40 years on the island of Hawai'i. Journal of Vegetation Science, 28(5), 939‑950.
Kopecký, M., & Macek, M. (2015). Vegetation resurvey is robust to plot location uncertainty. Diversity and Distributions, 21(3), 322‑330.
Kuhn, E., & Gégout, J.C. (2019). Highlighting declines of cold-demanding plant species in lowlands under climate warming. Ecography, 42(1), 36‑44.
Kusumoto, B., Villalobos, F., Shiono, T., & Kubota, Y. (2019). Reconciling Darwin's naturalization and pre‐adaptation hypotheses: An inference from phylogenetic fields of exotic plants in Japan. Journal of Biogeography, 46(11), 2597‑2608.
Landucci, F., Šumberová, K., Tichý, L., Hennekens, S., Aunina, L., Biță-Nicolae, C., … & Chytrý, M. (2020). Classification of the European marsh vegetation (Phragmito-Magnocaricetea) to the association level. Applied Vegetation Science, 23(2), 297‑316.
Langford, Z., Kumar, J., Hoffman, F.M., Norby, R.J., Wullschleger, S.D., Sloan, V.L., & Iversen, C.M. (2016). Mapping Arctic plant functional type distributions in the Barrow environmental observatory using World View-2 and LiDAR datasets. Remote Sensing, 8(9), 733.
Laumonier, Y., & Nasi, R. (2018). The last natural seasonal forests of Indonesia: Implications for forest management and conservation. Applied Vegetation Science, 21(3), 461‑476.
Leck, M.A. (2013). Dispersal potential of a tidal river and colonization of a created tidal freshwater marsh. AoB PLANTS, 5, pls050.
Lenoir, J., Gégout, J.C., Guisan, A., Vittoz, P., Wohlgemuth, T., Zimmermann, N.E., Dullinger, S., Pauli, H., Willner, W., Grytnes, J.A., Virtanen, R., & Svenning, J.C. (2010). Cross-Scale Analysis of the Region Effect on Vascular Plant Species Diversity in Southern and Northern European Mountain Ranges. PLoS One, 5(12), e15734.
Leßmeister, A., Bernhardt-Römermann, M., Schumann, K., Thiombiano, A., Wittig, R., & Hahn, K. (2019). Vegetation changes over the past two decades in a West African savanna ecosystem. Applied Vegetation Science, 22(2), 230‑242.
Lewis, R.J., Szava-Kovats, R., & Päertel, M. (2016). Estimating dark diversity and species pools: an empirical assessment of two methods. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7(1), 104‑113.‑210X.12443
Li, C.F., Chytrý, M., Zelený, D., Chen, M.Y., Chen, T.Y., Chiou, C.R., … & Hsieh, C.F. (2013). Classification of Taiwan forest vegetation. Applied Vegetation Science, 16(4), 698‑719.
Liendo, D., Biurrun, I., Campos, J.A., García‐Mijangos, I., & Pearman, P.B. (2021). Effects of disturbance and alien plants on the phylogenetic structure of riverine communities. Journal of Vegetation Science, 32(1), 1‑11.
Locke, D.H., Avolio, M., Trammel, T., Roy Chowdhury, R., Morgan Grove, J., Rogan, J., Martin, D.G., Bettez, N., Cavender-Bares, J., Groffman, P.M., Hall, S.J., Heffernan, J.B., Hobbie, S.E., Larson, K.L., Morse, J.L., Neill, C., Ogden, L.A., O'Neil-Dunne, J.P.M., Pataki, D., … & Wheeler, M.M. (2018). A multi-city comparison of front and backyard differences in plant species diversity and nitrogen cycling in residential landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning, 178, 102‑111.
Macander, M.J., Palm, E.C., Frost, G.V., Herriges, J.D., Nelson, P.R., Roland, C., Russell, K.L.M., Suitor, M.J., Bentzen, T.W., Joly, K.S., Goetz, J., & Hebblewhite, M. (2020). Lichen cover mapping for caribou ranges in interior Alaska and Yukon. Environmental Research Letters, 15(5), e055001.‑9326/ab6d38
Malavasi, M., Carboni, M., Cutini, M., Carranza, M.L., & Acosta, A.T.R. (2014). Landscape fragmentation, land-use legacy and propagule pressure promote plant invasion on coastal dunes: a patch-based approach. Landscape Ecology, 29(9), 1541‑1550.‑014‑0074‑3
Máliš, F., Ujházy, K., Vodálová, A., Barka, I., Čaboun, V., & Sitková, Z. (2012). The impact of Norway spruce planting on herb vegetation in the mountain beech forests on two bedrock types. European Journal of Forest Research, 131(5), 1551‑1569.‑012‑0624‑7
Maskell, L.C., Smart, S.M., Bullock, J.M., Thompson, K., & Stevens, C.J. (2010). Nitrogen deposition causes widespread loss of species richness in British habitats. Global Change Biology, 16(2), 671‑679.‑2486.2009.02022.x
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Mccune, J.L., & Vellend, M. (2013). Gains in native species promote biotic homogenization over four decades in a human-dominated landscape. Journal of Ecology, 101(6), 1542‑1551.‑2745.12156
McNellie, M.J., Oliver, I., & Gibbons, P. (2015). Pitfalls and possible solutions for using geo-referenced site data to inform vegetation models. Ecological Informatics, 30, 230‑234.
Meek, C.S., Richardson, D.M., & Mucina, L. (2010). A river runs through it: Land-use and the composition of vegetation along a riparian corridor in the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. Biological Conservation, 143(1), 156‑164.
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Nov 18, 2021
Solon, Jerzy (1954– ) Roo-Zielińska, Ewa (1948– ) Affek, Andrzej Kowalska, Anna (1977– ) Kruczkowska, Bogusława Wolski, Jacek (1971– ) Degórski, Marek Grabińska, Bożenna (1952– ) Kołaczkowska, Ewa Regulska, Edyta Zawiska, Izabela
Affek, Andrzej Kołaczkowska, Ewa Kowalska, Anna Regulska, Edyta Wolski, Jacek (1971– ) Solon, Jerzy (1954– )
Affek, Andrzej Kowalska, Anna Regulska, Edyta Solon, Jerzy (1954– ) Degórska, Bożena (1956– ) Wolski, Jacek (1971– ) Degórski, Marek
Kowalska, Anna Affek, Andrzej Regulska, Edyta Wolski, Jacek (1971– ) Kruczkowska, Bogusława Kołaczkowska, Ewa Zawiska, Izabela Baranowski, Jarosław (1970– )
Wolski, Jacek (1971– ) Regulska, Edyta Affek, Andrzej
Kowalska, Anna Affek, Andrzej Baranowski, Jarosław (1970– ) Gierszewski, Piotr Kaszubski, Michał Kołaczkowska, Ewa Kruczkowska, Bogusława Regulska, Edyta Wolski, Jacek (1971– ) Zawiska, Izabela
Regulska, Edyta Kowalska, Anna Kruczkowska, Bogusława
Roo-Zielińska, Ewa (1948– )