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"Biomanipulacja". I ; Biomanipulation. I. Can ecological theory be applied in management of freshwater habitat?
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologii
Strony 155-170 ; 24 cm ; Bibliografia na stronie 169 ; Streszczenie w języku angielskim
The biomanipulation approach to lake eutrophication control (Shapiro et al. 1975, Shapiro 1978, 1980) is discussed as an example of possible applications of ecological theories in environmental management. The approach is presented as a possibility of controlling phytoplankton standing crop at high phosphorus levels in lake water (Figs. 1, 2 and 3) from the top of the trophic structure of lake community, but also other biological means of controlling symptoms of eutrophication are considered.It is suggested that biomanipulation approach would allow ecologists (1) to concentrate less on alarm calls and more on devicing constructive Solutions of environmental problems, (2) to utilise more ecological theories in practical management, (3) to complement a holistic ecosystem view of nature by an organism oriented, evolutionary view, and (4) to use funds provided for applied science for further efforts to extend our understanding of nature which, in turn may bring new ideas for environmental management.The essay is an introduction to a serie of state-of-art reviews on various aspects of biomanipulation intended for the same journal. ; 0013-2969
MiIZ PAN, sygn. P.3259 ; click here to follow the link
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Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Biblioteka Muzeum i Instytutu Zoologii PAN
Feb 4, 2025
Aug 25, 2021
Edition name | Date |
Z. 2. "Biomanipulacja". I. Czym teoria ekologii służyć może praktyce ochrony środowiska wodnego? / Gliwicz Z. M. | Feb 4, 2025 |
Chudyba, Henryk
Gliwicz, Zbigniew Maciej
Gliwicz, Zbigniew Maciej
Gliwicz, Zbigniew Maciej
Gliwicz, Zbigniew Maciej