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Szkic do hydrobiologów portretu własnego... ; Reflections upon the contents of Polish publications from the point of view of contemporary trends in limnology
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologii
Pages 241-265 ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 263-264) ; Abstract in English
A dozen or so limnological problems have been distinguished (Figs. 1—4) as described in previous articles of the series (Hillbricht-Ilkowska 1984a, 1984b, 1985a) as contemporary, more common trends in world limnology. The interest in these problems among Polish limnologists has been analysed by reviewing 445 literature items (papers published and reports at conferences) for years 1979—1982 and 397 items for years 1982—1985 as a result of reviewing several Polish hydrobiological, ecological and fishery journals as well as a score of sets of non-periodical publications (see literature references) and report summaries for meetings and congresses. These data were compared with contents of 600 reports at XXIInd International Congress of Limnology (SIL) in Lyon (August 1983). According to problems distinguished and to the article aim analysis was restricted only to papers on inland waters ecology (limnology) written by Polisih scientists, with each paper being ascribed to one problem in accordance with its main content or aim. Distribution of interests among the problems distinguished was characterised in each group by percentage. It was observed that consequently along the last decade about half of all meeting reports or publications (Fig. 1) is devoted to problems of all kinds of anthropopressure or changes in aquatic ecosystems connected with impact of human activity. In this fundamental problem, most of interest is focussed on eutrophication phenomena, and most frequent studies concerned effects, monitoring and bioindication. The monitoring approach in fundamental problem “anthropopressure”, eutrophication included, is in national limnology more common than in the world data set (reports for the SIL Congress). This pertains also to the effect of heated waters and changes caused by hydrotechnics. The interest in the sphere beyond the registering of the effects of eutrophication, i.e. in experimenting, prognosis, modelling, problem of hypertrophy, watershed and airshed impact as well as investigations of cycling and retention of nutrients in ecosystems and recultivation is represented in the manner similar to the world situation (periodically somewhat weaker) (Fig. 2). However, there is a lack in national limnology of significant interest in effects of acidification and anthropogenie mineralization of surface waters. Besides eutrophication (and anthropopressure in generał) large and constant share of interest by national limnologists (always larger than in world scale) is focussed on comparative description of communities and occurrence of species in various habitats as well as the problem of fish effect (herbivorous fish and the impact of aquaculture) on aquatic ecosystems considered from the point of view of pollution and eutrophication (Fig. 3). Permanently lower attention of the national limnology is paid to problems of “water-bottom sediment system”, of heterogeneity of aquatic habitats (temporal-spatial phenomena of meso- and microscale), structuring impact of predators and consumers on communities they prey upon and life strategies of organisms and communities under altered food conditions, competitive tension, predators’ pressure and habitat variability (Figs. 3, 4). In national limnology there is no new methodological approach in studies of running waters as connected with the concept of river continuum and nutrient spiralling. One can be afraid that the progress in the national limnology in these lines will be quite mediocre and not catching up with the development of world ecology. […] ; 0013-2969
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Feb 4, 2025
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