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Geographia Polonica Vol. 83 No. 2 (2010)
1. Ballon, P. (2007), Changing business models for Europe's mobile telecommunications industry: The impact of alternative wireless technologies, Telematics and Infomatics, 24: 192–205. -
2. Fuentes–Bautista, M. and Inagaki, N. (2006), Reconfiguring public Internet access in Austin, TX: Wi–Fi's promise and broadband divides, Government Information Quarterly, 23: 404–434. -
3. Gibson, W. (1989), Mona Lisa Overdrive, New York, Bantam Books.
4. Gorman, S.P. and McIntee, A. (2003), Tethered connectivity? The spatial distribution of wireless infrastructure, Environment and Planning A, 35: 1157–1171. -
5. Grubesic, T.H. and Murray, A.T. (2004), "Where" matters: location and Wi–Fi access, Journal of Urban Technology, 11: 1–28. -
6. Ilnicki, D. (2002), Fenomen kawiarenek internetowych [The phenomenon of Internet cafes], in: Współczesne formy osadnictwa miejskiego i ich przemiany, XV Konwersatorium Wiedzy o Mieście [The current forms of urban settlement and their transformations, 15th Seminar on knowledge about a city], Łódź, Poland, 249–262.
7. Ilnicki, D. and Janc K. (2008), Węzłowość i przestrzeń przepływów Internetu: ujęcie globalne i lokalne [Nodality and space of Internet flows: the global and the local scale], Geopolis—Elektroniczne Czasopismo Geograficzne, 1: 5–23.
8. Johnston, J.H. Snider, J.H. (2003), Breaking the chains: unlicensed spectrum as a last–mile broadband solution, New America Foundation, Spectrum Series Working Paper, no.7.
9. Kitchin, R.M. (1998), Towards geographies of cyberspace, Progress in Human Geography, 22: 385–406. -
10. Kwan, M. (2006), Transport geography in the age of mobile communications, Journal of Transport Geography, 14: 384–385. -
11. Mapping the existing European wireless landscape and current trends. Annex 1. (2005), Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, European Communities, (
12. Powell, A. (2009), Wi–Fi as public utility or public park? Metaphors for planning local communications infrastructure, available at <>.
13. Sandvig, Ch. (2004), An initial assessment of cooperative action in Wi–Fi networking, Telecommunications Policy, 28: 579–602. -
14. Shamp, S.A. (2004). Wi–Fi clouds and zones: a survey of municipal wireless initiatives, New Media Institute, University of Georgia.
15. Torrens, P.M. (2008), Wi–Fi geographies, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 98: 59–84. -
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Oct 2, 2020
Jan 24, 2012
Edition name | Date |
Janc K., Ilnicki D. - The Hotspot—a new technology, but is it also a new, geographical face of the Internet? | Oct 2, 2020 |
Janc, Krzysztof
Ilnicki, Dariusz Janc, Krzysztof
Romańczyk, Zbigniew Janc, Krzysztof Czapiewski, Konrad
Janc, Krzysztof
Janc, Krzysztof
Janc, Krzysztof
Janc, Krzysztof Siłka, Piotr
Mazur, Marcin (1982– ) Czapiewski, Konrad Ł Janc, Krzysztof Konopski, Michał