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Przegląd Geograficzny T. 84 z. 4 (2012)
1. Boulton A., Devriendt L., Brunn S.D., Derudder B., Witlox F., 2011, City networks in cyberspace and time: Using Google hyperlinks to measure global economic and environmental crises, [w:] R.J. Firmino, F. Duarte, C. Ultramari (red.), ICTs for Mobile and Ubiquitous Urban Infrastructures: Surveillance, Locative Media and Global Networks, IGI Global, Hershey, s. 67–87.
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3. Brunn S.D., Devriendt L., Boulton A., Derudder B., Witlox F., 2010, Networks of European cities in worlds of global economic and environmental change, Fennia, 188, 1, s. 37–49.
4. Devriendt L., Derudder B., Witlox F., 2008, Cyberplace and Cyberspace: two approaches to analyzing digital intercity linkages, Journal of Urban Technology, 15, 2, s. 5–32.
5. Dodge M., Kitchin R., 2001, Mapping Cyberspace, Routledge, Londyn.
6. Graham M., 2010, Neogeography and the palimpsests of place: Web 2.0 and the construction of a virtual Earth, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 101, 4, s. 422–436.
7. Graham M., Zook M., 2011, Visualizing global cyberscapes: mapping user-generated placemarks, Journal of Urban Technology, 18, 1, s. 115–132.
8. Halavais A., 2000, National borders on the World Wide Web, New Media Society, 2, 1, s. 7–28.
9. Heimeriks G., Van den Besselaar P., 2006, Analyzing hyperlinks networks: The meaning of hyperlink based indicators of knowledge, International Journal of Scientometrics, Infometrics and Bibliometrics, 10, 1, s. 1–17.
10. Ingwersen P., Björneborn L., 2005, Methodological issues of webometric studies, [w:] Handbook of Quantitative Science and Technology Research, part 2, Springer, Dordrecht, s. 339–369.
11. Ilnicki D., Janc K., 2009, Topology, nodality and space of internet flows, Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis – Geographica, 40, 2, s. 15–26.
12. Janc K., 2011, Geografia hiperlinków – przestrzenny wymiar samorządowych serwisów internetowych, Studia Regionalne i Lokalne, 4 (46), s. 30–50.
13. Lin J., Halavais A., Zhang B., 2007, The Blog Network in America: Blogs as Indicators of Relationships among US Cities, Connections, 27, 2, s. 15–23.
14. Maggioni M.A., Uberti T.E., 2009, Knowledge networks across Europe: which distance matters?, Annals of Regional Science, 43, 3, s. 691–720.
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17. Nunes F., 2006, The Portuguese urban system: an opposition between its hierarchical organization in cyberspace vs. physical space, Telematics and Informatics, 23, 2, s. 74–94.
18. Nwagwu W., Ibitola T., 2010, Aspects of size and geography of African cyberspace, Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 15, 3, s. 19–34.
19. Ortega J.L., Aguillo I.F., 2008a, Linking patterns in European Union countries: geographical maps of the European academic web space, Journal of Information Science, 35, 5, s. 705–714.
20. Ortega J.L., Aguillo I.F., 2008b, Visualization of the Nordic academic web: link analysis using social network tools, Information Processing & Management, 44, 4, s. 1624–1633.
21. Ortega J.L., Aguillo I.F., 2009, Mapping world-class universities on the web, Information Processing & Management, 45, 2, s. 272–279.
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23. Shiode N., Batty M., 2000, Power law distribution in real and virtual worlds, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis Working Paper Series, 19, University College, London.
24. Siłka P., 2011, Scientific research and internet linkages, Studia Regionalia, 29, s. 81–95.
25. Śleszyński P., 2011, Economic linkages, Studia Regionalia, 29, s. 48–64.
26. Takhteyev Y., Gruzd A., Wellman B., 2011, Geography of Twitter networks, Social Networks. Special issue on Space and Networks, 34, 1, s. 73–81.
27. Thelwall M., Tang R., Price L., 2003, Linguistic patterns of academic Web use in Western Europe, Scientometrics, 56, 3, s. 417–432.
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29. Vaughan L., Kipp M.E.I., Gai Y., 2007, Why are Websites co-linked? The case of Canadian universities, Scientometrics, 72, 1, s. 81–92.
30. Vaughan L., You J., 2010, Word co-occurrences on Webpages as a measure of the relatedness of organizations: a new Webometrics concept, Journal of Informetrics, 4, 4, s. 483–491.
31. Zook M., Devriendt L., Dodge M., 2011, Cyberspatial proximity metrics: reconceptualizing distance in the global urban system, Journal of Urban Technology, 18, 1, s. 93–114.
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
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