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Agroecosystem homeostasis and the perspectives for biological pest control
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologii
Pages 238-242 ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (page 241) ; Abstract in English
Discussion on ecosystem homeostasis has supplied means of measuring their state of balance, among which the most important is the persistence in time of such systems. The essence itself of homeostatic systems, however, still remains unknown. Effective functioning of self-regulating mechanisms involves full use of the energy produced in the system.The agroecosystem is among the most widely-spread types of land ecosystems. The central point of the system is man, whose activities determines the physicochemical pressure on the system, its species composition and spatial organization, and it is man who ensures the persistence of the ecosystem in time. An agroecosystem is an open system saturated to a lesser degree by species than its neighbouring ecosystems. The way in which it develops is to render its structure similar to that which occurs in homological land systems, hence the ease with which weed and pest species are accepted, which enrich the homeostatic structure of this system.Biological control of pests of agrocenoses carried out on the basis of the principles in current use is an operation which is insufficiently effective from the aspect of the concept of homeostasis of agrocenoses, since the biocenosis tends to reproduce the preceding qualitative and quantitative structure. Prospects are more promising for action aimed at increasing a substitute food supply for predators and parasites and for forming refuge areas for beneficial fauna, which areas would then become the source of its expansion into cultivated fields. Homeostatic systems themselves acting within agrocenoses are not directed towards maintenance or protection of agricultural production.
1. Dobben W. H. van, Lowe-McConnel R. H. (Ed.) 1975 — Unifying concepts in ecology — The Hague, 302 pp.
2. Elton Ch. 1967 — Ekologia inwazji zwierząt i roślin — Warszawa, 187 pp.
3. Margaleff R. 1968 — Perspectives in ecological theory — Chicago, 111 pp.
4. Tischler W. 1971 — Agroekologia — Warszawa, 484 pp.
5. Trojan P. 1968 — Agrocenoza jako biologiczny układ produkcyjny — Pol. Pismo ent. 38: 647—655.
6. Trojan P. 1974 — Zagadnienie homeostazy ekosystemów — Zesz. probl. Post. Nauk roln. 155: 39—51.
7. Wiens J. A. (Ed.) 1972 — Ecosystem structure and function — Ann. Biol. Coll. Oregon, 176 pp. ; ISSN 0013-2969
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Feb 4, 2022
Dec 29, 2020
Edition name | Date |
Z. 3. Homeostaza agroekosystemów a perspektywy walki biologicznej ze szkodnikami / Trojan P. | Feb 4, 2022 |
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