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Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologii
Pages 243-248 ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (page 248) ; Abstract in English
The author suggests that the possibility of the elimination of ecological processes and situations creating conditions for “resistance” of the pest population to the pressure of destructive factors should be taken into account in the studies on biological control of pests. Three kinds of processes controlled by the organization of the pest population are presented:1. Change in the model of reduction of prey populations in the presence of predators. Such changes tend to reduce frequency of contacts between individuals of the prey and individuals of the predator.2. Processes (little known at present) of the formation by the prey populations of system which limit to a considerable degree, or even block, the action of predators reducing such a population (Fig. 2). When the system is broken up, the process is stopped and the prey population is exposed to a situation in which its fate depends only on the random chances of encounter with the predator.3. Partial overlapping of the ecological niches of pest and predator (parasite) (Fig. 1). Flexible response of prey population creating such situations in experiments provide an inducement to continue the studies on this phenomenon.
1. Dąbrowska-Prot E. 1970 — Influence of spiders on the behaviour of mosquito populations — Ekol. pol. 18: 531—537.
2. Kajak A. 1965 — An analysis of food relations between the spiders Araneus cornutus Clerck and Araneus quadratus Clerck and their prey in meadow — Ekol. pol. A 13: 717—784.
3. Tarwid K. 1976a — Dependence of predator activity on the status of the prey population on the example of mosquitoes and two spider species — Bull. Acad. pol. Sci. Cl. II 24.
4. Tarwid K. 1976b — Alternative resistance of the fly Tricholauxania preusta Meig. to predation by the spider Tetragnatha montana Say — Bull. Acad. pol. Sci. Cl. II 24.
5. Trojan P. 1975 — Ekologia ogólna — PWN Warszawa, 419 pp. ; ISSN 0013-2969
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Feb 4, 2025
Dec 29, 2020
Tarwid, Kazimierz
Przybylski, Zdzisław
Trojan, Przemysław
Sandner, Henryk (1915–1994) Państwowe Zakłady Wydawnictw Szkolnych
Tarwid, Kazimierz