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Z zagadnień odżywiania się żyworódki ; Some remarks on problem of nutrition of the Viviparus fasciafus Müll.
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologiczny
Pages 271-273 ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (page 273) ; Abstract in English
In summer 1956 tests were performed on the alimentary canals of 459 specimens of Viviparus fasciatus Müll. taken from several stations of various density of V. fasciatus. In the alimentary canals there were stated considerable quantities of algae, protozoa, sand grains and of not to be closer identified green and brown granules.It was stated that in the period from July till October the rate of filling of alimentary canals is subject to visible changes. The highest rate of filling of the alimentary canals had been observed in August and at the beginning of September, whereas in October the major part of alimentary canals proved to be empty (table I). No visible differences were found in the rate of filling of the alimentary canals of V. fasciatus taken from aggregations and places of the dispersed appearance.
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7. Geyer, D. 1909 - Die Weichtiere Deutschlands - Stuttgart.
8. Schermer, E. 1937 - Die Ernährung unserer Süsswasserschnecken - Heimat Kiel 50.
9. Stańczykowska, A. 1959 - Rozmieszczenie i dynamika liczebności żyworódki paskowanej Viviparus fasciatus Müll. na terenie łachy Konfederatka - Ekol. Pol. B, 5.
10. Starmühlner, F. 1954 - Eine Schnecke wird sesshaft - Aq.-Terr. 7.
11. Żadin, W. I. 1928 - Isledowanija po ekologii i izmiencziwosti Vivipara fasciata Müll. -Monogr. Wołżsk. bioł. st. 3. ; ISSN 0424-7205
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Feb 4, 2025
Feb 24, 2020
Edition name | Date |
Z. 3. Z zagadnień odżywiania się żyworódki paskowanej (Viviparus fasciatus Müll) / Stańczykowska A. | Feb 4, 2025 |
Stańczykowska, Anna
Stańczykowska, Anna
Tarwid, Mirosława
Stoczkowski, Radosław Stańczykowska-Piotrowska, Anna (1932– )
Tarwid, Kazimierz