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Rozmieszczenie i dynamika liczebności żyworódki paskowanej ; Distribution and quantitative dynamics of Viviparus fasciatus Müll. In the branch cut from the Vistula (Konfederatka)
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologiczny
Pages 55-60 ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (page 60) ; Abstract in English
Viviparus fasciatus was found to occur in large quantities in the Konfederatka, an old branch of the Vistula, cut off from the river. Extensive variations took place during the course of the year in quantity, distribution, and age and space structure. Viviparus fasciatus chiefly inhabited the littoral zone in which they formed periodical, large and distinctly formed groups. These groups recurred yearly in the same places and exhibited a certain independence of environment factors. The numbers of Viviparus fasciatus in the vicinity of these groups, and in the deeper parts of the water were very small.
l. Allee, W. C., Emerson, A. E., Park, O., Park, T., Schmidt K. P. 1949 - Principles of animal ecology - Philadelphia and London.
2. Ehrmann, P. 1933 - Mollusca (In Tierwelt Mitteleuropas) - Leipzig.
3. Fromming, E. 1956 - Bioliogie der mitteleuropaischen Susswasserschnecken - Berlin.
4. Geyer, D. 1927 - Unsere Land-und Slisswasser-Mollusken - Stuttgart.
5. Wesenberg -Lund, C. 1939 - Biologie der Susswassertiere -Wien.
6. Żadin, W. I. 1928 - Issledowanija po ekołogii i izniencziwosti Vivipara fasciata Mull. - Monogr. Wołżsk. bioł. Stac. 3.
7. Żadin, W. I. 1952 - Molljuski priesnych i sołonowatych wod SSSR - Moskwa, Leningrad. ; ISSN 0424-7205
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Feb 4, 2022
Feb 24, 2020
Stańczykowska, Anna
Stańczykowska, Anna
Stańczykowska, Anna
Stańczykowska, Anna
Stańczykowska, Anna
Stańczykowska, Anna
Stańczykowska, Anna