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Title: W sprawie badań warunków życiowych bentosu


Kajak, Zdzisław

Date issued/created:


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W sprawie badania warunków życiowych bentosu ; On the investigation of the living conditions of benthos


Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologiczny


Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe

Place of publishing:



Strony 189-201 ; 24 cm ; Bibliografia na stronach 196-200 ; Streszczenie w języku angielskim

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The great differences occurring in the numbers of benthos are most often attributed to environment factors such as oxygen, percentage of organic substance, temperature etc. In many cases the basic dependences on these factors have been proved to exist, in many others they are problematical; in addition there is a whole series of works demonstrating the impossibility of proving that the quantity of benthos is due to these factors. It is for this reason that certain aruthors refer to the complexity of the action of environment factors, the "individuality" of lakes etc. Ł a s t o c z k i n (1949), L i t y n s k i (1952) and others rightly stress the necessity of taking into account the complicated qualitative composition of muds, and the heterogeneity of the processes taking place in them. In reality the methods of examining the environment conditions of benthos and the existing classifications of sediments (see N a u m a n n 1930, K o r d e 1956) are far from exact in relation to the actual conditions with which the benthos organisms come into contact. As a rule certain indicators are examined, e. g. the percentage of organic substance, the total contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, Sulphur etc., whereas these substances in fact occur in the form of very heterogeneous chemical compounds. An especially great variety of components, of the utmost importance to the organisms, occurs in organie substance (V a l l e n t y n e 1957). This complicated system of chemical compounds is to a considerable extent the work of benthos organisms (decomposition of organic substance, emission of metabolites, mechanical transformation of environment). Microbenthos (bacteria, algae and animals) is specially distinguisihed by its abundance, and in consequence, its significance in these processes. It is unfortunate that research work on macrobenthos is so rarely connected with examination of macrobenthos. The chemical action of the environment, inc1uding that resulting from the action of the biocenosis, is probably especially strong in areas at the bottom, or near the bottom. Food dependences are also complicated. With such complicated relations in the bottom environments, the inadequacy and simplicity of the examination methods used is striking, e. g.: ; l. The same organic substance contents may occur in the most varied system of quantitative relations of the organie compounds which form it.2. Certain of the factors examined do not as such occur at all in the given environment, but become evident during the process of analysis (e. g. total contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.). Their identical values may correspond to greatly varying systems of substances actually existing in the environment.3. On account of the microstratification of the bottom environment and the abundance, heterogeneity and variability, already mentioned, of its physico-chemical and biocenotic conditions, it is extremely difficult to examine the actual living conditions of benthos. The state of the bottom environment is the resultant of a long and complicated chain of reciprocal reactions between the biocenosis and its components, and the abiotic environment. It would seem that we shall never be in a position to examine and grasp all the factors of the bottom environment in their variability and mutual dependence on the benthos biocenosis. This pessimistic conclusion does not, however, mean that we cannot discover the principles and laws governing the composition and dynamics of the numbers of benthos, since it is possible to discover the laws grovening a given process without penetrating in detail into its mechanism. In order to find the proper way to discover these laws, and in order to avoid glaring mistakes, it is necessary to be fully aware of the complexity of the relat,ions examined.


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Ekologia Polska. Seria B





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