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Wunderlich, Tina ; Wilken, Dennis ; Erkul, Ercan ; Rabbel, Wolfgang ; Vött, Andreas ; Fischer, Peter ; Hadler, Hanna ; Ludwig, Stefanie ; Heinzelmann, Michael
Archaeologia Polona Vol. 53 (2015)
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
Bohlen, T., Kugler, S., Klein, G. and Theilen, F. 2004. 1.5-D Inversion of lateral variation of Scholte wave dispersion, Geophysics 69, 330-344
Günther, T., Rücker, C. and Spitzer, K. 2006. Three-dimensional modelling and inversion of dc resistivity data incorporating topography – II. Inversion, Geophysical Journal International 166, 506-517
Park, C.B., Miller, R.D. and Xia, J. 1999. Ground roll as a tool to image near-surface anomaly, 68th SEG Meeting, New Orleans, USA, Expanded Abstracts, 874-877
Vött, A., Fischer, P., Hadler, H., Ludwig, S., Heinzelmann, M., Rohn, C., Wunderlich, T., Wilken, D., Erkul, E. and Rabbel, W. 2015. Detection of two different harbour generations at ancient Ostia (Italy) by means of geophysical and stratigraphical methods. In T. Schmidts, M. Vučetić (eds.) Häfen im 1. Millenium A. D. – Bauliche Konzepte, herrschaftliche und religiöse Einflüsse. Interdisziplinäre Forschungen zu Häfen von der Römischen Kaiserzeit bis zum Mittelalte, In press
Wang, R. 1999. A simple orthonormalization method for stable and efficient computations of Green’s functions, Bulletin of the Seismic Society of America 89 (3), 733-741
Wilken, D. and Rabbel, W. 2012. On the application of Particle Swarm Optimization strategies on Scholte-wave inversion, Geophysical Journal International 190 (1), 580-594 ; 0066-5924
IAiE PAN, call no. P 357 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P 358 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P 356 ; click here to follow the link
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Mar 3, 2023
Dec 5, 2019
Wilken, Dennis Wunderlich, Tina Andersen, Jasmin Rabbel, Wolfgang
Wunderlich, Tina Wilken, Dennis Andersen, Jasmin Rabbel, Wolfgang Zori, Davide Kalmring, Sven Byock, Jesse
Wilken, Dennis Wunderlich, Tina Majchczack, Bente Andersen, Jasmin Rabbel, Wolfgang
Sarris, Apostolos Papadopoulos, Nikos Kokkinou, Eleni Soupios, Pantelis Teichmann, Michael Simyrdanis, Kleanthis Kakoulaki, Georgia Alexakis, Dimitris Manzetti, Cristina Luce, Jean-Marc
Seren, Sirri Totsching, Ralf Hinterleitner, Alois Löcker, Klaus Ladstätter, Sabine
Wilken, Dennis Wunderlich, Tina Rabbel, Wolfgang Zori, Davide Kalmring, Sven Byock, Jesse
Wunderlich, Tina Wilken, Dennis Riedel, Paul-Benjamin Karle, Martina Messal, Sebastian
Trinks, Immo Tsokas, Gregory Verhoeven, Geert Löcker, Klaus Kucera, Matthias Nau, Erich Wallner, Mario Tsourlos, Panagiotis George, Vargemezis Neubauer, Wolfgang