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Trinks, Immo ; Tsokas, Gregory ; Verhoeven, Geert ; Löcker, Klaus ; Kucera, Matthias ; Nau, Erich ; Wallner, Mario ; Tsourlos, Panagiotis ; George, Vargemezis ; Neubauer, Wolfgang
Archaeologia Polona Vol. 53 (2015)
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
Chouliaras, G., Drakatos, G., Makropoulos, K. and Melis, N. S. 2012. Recent seismicity detection increase in the Santorini volcanic island complex, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 12, 859–866
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Friedrich, W. 2009. Santorini: Volcano, Natural History, Mythology. Aarhus.Mavor, J. W. 1969. Voyage to Atlantis, New York
Russell, J. K. and Stasiuk, M. V. 2000. Ground-penetrating radar mapping of Minoan volcanic deposits and Late Bronze Age palaeotopography , Thera, Greece. In W. G. McGuire, D. R. Grifsfiths, P. L. Hancock and I. S. Stewart (eds), The Archaeology of Geological Catastrophes. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 171, 105-121
The Thera Foundation. 1996. Geoelectrical tomography and ground probing radar (GPR) tests in the archaeological site of Akrotiri in Thera, Piraeus, October 1996
Trinks, I., Neubauer, W. and Doneus, M. 2012. Prospecting Archaeological Landscapes. In Ioannides et al. (eds), EuroMed 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7616, 21-29
Tsourlos, P. 1995. Modelling Interpretation and Inversion of Multielectrode Resistivity Survey Data, D. Phil. Thesis, University of York, U.K.
Vermeule E. 1967. The Promise of Thera. A Bronze Age Pompeii, The Atlantic Monthly, December 1967, 83-94 ; 0066-5924
IAiE PAN, call no. P 357 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P 358 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P 356 ; click here to follow the link
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Mar 3, 2023
Dec 5, 2019
Ulanowska, Agata
Tsokas, Gregory N. Tsourlos, Panagiotis Vargemezis, George
Sarris, Apostolos Papadopoulos, Nikos Cuenca-Garcia, Carmen Alexakis, Dimitris Manatakia, Meropi Cantoro, Gianluca
Sarris, Apostolos Papadopoulos, Nikos Kokkinou, Eleni Soupios, Pantelis Teichmann, Michael Simyrdanis, Kleanthis Kakoulaki, Georgia Alexakis, Dimitris Manzetti, Cristina Luce, Jean-Marc
Trinks, Immo Neubauer, Wolfgang Doneus, Michael Hinterleitner, Alois Doneus, Nives Verhoeven, Geert Löcker, Klaus Kucera, Matthias Nau, Erich Wallner, Mario Seren, Sirri
Wunderlich, Tina Wilken, Dennis Erkul, Ercan Rabbel, Wolfgang Vött, Andreas Fischer, Peter Hadler, Hanna Ludwig, Stefanie Heinzelmann, Michael
Wilken, Dennis Wunderlich, Tina Andersen, Jasmin Rabbel, Wolfgang
Wunderlich, Tina Wilken, Dennis Andersen, Jasmin Rabbel, Wolfgang Zori, Davide Kalmring, Sven Byock, Jesse