Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN


Tytuł: Distribution of amphibians in urban water bodies (Warsaw agglomeration, Poland)


Mazgajska, Joanna

Data wydania/powstania:


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Inny tytuł:

Distribution of amphibians in urban water bodies


Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii


Oficyna Wydawnicza Instytutu Ekologii PAN

Miejsce wydania:

Dziekanów Leśny


Strony 245-257 : ilustracje ; 24 cm ; Bibliografia na stronach 256-257 ; Streszczenie w języku polskim

Typ obiektu:



The studies on batrachofauna of 76 mostly small water bodies of an area 0.01-16 ha were carried out in Warsaw in 1992-1994. Species composition, number and distribution of breeding sites, as well as specimen numbers of breeding populations were determined. Importance of the distance from the city centre and effects of breeding pond transformations (rush destruction, pool bracing, seasonal drainage) on occurrence and specimen numbers of amphibian species were analysed. Frequencies of the consecutive species were: "green" frogs (Rana esculenta, Rana lessonae, Rana ridibunda) – 56%, Triturus vulgaris vulgaris – 31 %, Bufo viridis viridis – 30%, Bufo bufo bufo – 30%, Rana arvalis arvalis – 27%, Rana temporaria temporaria – 18%, Bombina bombina – 9%, Pelobates fuscus fuscus – 6%, Triturus cristatus – 1%. Amphibian species outgoing from the city (Triturus cristatus, Bombina bombina, and to a lesser degree Rana temporaria, Rana arvalis) and those which are clearly acclimatized (Bufo viridis, Triturus vulgaris) were distinguished. Amphibians occurred in 95% of the examined ponds, also those located in the central part of the town. In the central part, the number of species was lower than in the suburbs. Sex ratios (males : females) for selected species ranged from1 : 1 (Rana temporaria, Triturus vulgaris) to 7 : 1 (Bufo bufo). ; The studies on batrachofauna of 76 mostly small water bodies of an area 0.01-16 ha were carried out in Warsaw in 1992-1994. Species composition, number and distribution of breeding sites, as well as specimen numbers of breeding populations were determined. Importance of the distance from the city centre and effects of breeding pond transformations (rush destruction, pool bracing, seasonal drainage) on occurrence and specimen numbers of amphibian species were analysed. Frequencies of the consecutive species were: "green" frogs (Rana esculenta, Rana lessonae, Rana ridibunda) - 56%, Triturus vulgaris ilulgaris - 31%, Bufo viridis viridis - 30%, Bufo bufo bufo - 30%, Rana arvalis arvalis - 27%, Rana temporaria temporaria - 18%, Bombina bombina - 9%, Pelobates fuscus fuscus - 6%, Triturus cristatus - 1%. Amphibian species outgoing from the city (Triturus cristatus, Bombina bombina, and to a lesser degree Rana temporaria, Rana arvalis) and those which are clearly acclimatized (Bufo viridis, Triturus vulgaris) were distinguished. Amphibians occurred in 95% of the examined ponds, also those located in the central part of the town. In the central part, the number of species was lower than in the suburbs. Sex ratios (males : females) for selected species ranged from 1 : 1 (Rana temporaria, Triturus vulgaris) to 7 : 1 (Bufo bufo).


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Ekologia Polska





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Identyfikator zasobu: ; ISSN 0420-9036


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Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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Biblioteka Muzeum i Instytutu Zoologii PAN

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Program Operacyjny Polska Cyfrowa, lata 2014-2020, Działanie 2.3 : Cyfrowa dostępność i użyteczność sektora publicznego; środki z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego oraz współfinansowania krajowego z budżetu państwa



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