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Avilova, Kseniâ Vsevolodovna ; Erëmkin, Grigorij Stanislavovič (1973– )
Acta Ornithologica, vol. 36, no. 1 ; Zimowanie ptaków wodnych w Moskwie (1985-1999): zależność od temperatury powietrza i poziomu bytowego ludności
Polska Akademia Nauk. Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii ; Meeting of the European Ornithologists' Union (2 ; 1999 ; Gdańsk)
Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN
Referat wygłoszony na Second Meeting of the European Ornithologists' Union ; Bibliogr. p. 71 ; P. [65]-71 : ill. ; 27 cm ; Abstract in Polish. Taxa in Latin
Over fifteen years (1985-1999) waterfowl were counted during one day in January on 33 permanent routes with a total length of c. 310 km along the banks of all rivers and ponds throughout the city. 23 species (apart from gulls) were recorded. The number of species varied from 3 to 10 in different years and increased significantly during the study period. Mallard Anas platyrhynchos was the most numerous species (98-99% of individuals). The proportion of male Mallards varied from year to year within the range 54-63%. The number of Mallards gradually increased from c. 17 300 in the winter of 1984-1985 to c. 28 000 in the winter of 1989-90 but then declined to c. 7500 in the winter of 1997-1998. These changes appear to depend on both air temperatures during the winter and the prosperity of the city's inhabitants, who feed ducks with bread and scraps of food. It is highly probable that the change in the socio-economic situation has been the main cause of the decline in waterfowl observed during the 1990s.
MiIZ PAN, call no. P.257, Vol. 36, No 1 ; MiIZ PAN, call no. P.4568, Vol. 36, No 1 ; click here to follow the link
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Feb 4, 2025
May 23, 2014
Kazulìn, Alâksandr Vasìl'evìč
Kazulìn, Alâksandr Vasìl'evìč Pavluschick, Tatiana
Engel, Jacek Keller, Marek Leszkowicz, Jan Zawadzki, Jerzy
Kowalska, Maria
Dobrowolski, Kazimierz A.
Rehfisch, Marc Mansel Austin, Graham E. Clark, Nigel A. Clarke, Ralph T. Holloway, Steve J. Yates, Mick G. Dit Durell, Sarah E. A. le V. Eastwood, Jim A. Goss-Custard, John D. Swetnam, Ruth D. West, John R.
Ptaszyk, Jerzy
Švažas, Saulius Stanevičius, Vitas