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Title: Whale bones and macroalgae as source of nutrients and cations in the nearshore geoecosystem of Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Antarctica)


Rakusa-Suszczewski, Stanisław ; Nędzarek, Arkadiusz

Date issued/created:


Resource type:



Whale bones and macroalgae as source of nutrients and cations


Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Ecology


Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Ecology. Publishing Office

Place of publishing:

Dziekanów Leśny


Pages 389-396 : illustrations ; 27 cm ; Bibliographical references (page 396) ; Contains map

Type of object:



In the area of the western shore of Admiralty Bay (SSSI No. 8), the remains of 52 whale skulls were found; along the shores of the entire bay 175 skulls were reported. These skulls of whales caught in the area at the beginning of the 20th century are now considered as protected elements of the landscape. Whale bones provide a continuous source of chemical elements and nutrients that are released into the environment; they also cumulate elements of anthropogenic origin, e.g. Pb. The bones of whales as well as macroalgae and penguin feathers might be the source of calcium, phosphorus, carbon, nitrogen and sulphur for the land ecosystem.


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IWS 1930 - International Whaling Statistics I. Ed. by The Committee for whaling statistic - Oslo, pp. 1-24.
IWS 1931 -International Whaling Statistics I. Ed. By The Committee for whaling statistics - Oslo, pp. 1-68.
Janes D. N. 1997 - Osmoregulation by Adelie penguin chicks on the Antarctic Peninsula - The Auk, 114: 488-495.
Juchnowicz-Bierbasz M., Rakusa-Suszczewski S. 2002 - Nutrients and cations in soil solutuion from the present and relict penguin colonies (Admiralty Bay, King George Island) - Pol. J. Ecol. 50: 79-91.
Kittel P. 2001 - Inventory of whaling objects on the Admiralty Bay shores (King George Island, South Shetland Islands) in the years 1996-1998 - Pol. Polar Res. 22: 45-70.
Madejski P., Rakusa-Suszczewski S. 1990 - Annual observations of icebergs as tracers of water movement in the Bransfield Strait in Front of Admiralty Bay (King George, South Shetland Islands) - Antarct. Sci. 2: 259-263.
Martianov V., Rakusa-Suszczewski S. 1990 - Ten years of climate observations at the Arctowski and Bellingshausen Stations (King George Is., South Shetlands, Antarctic). Global change regional research centres - Seminar papers and IGBP WG 2 report, A.
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Rakusa-Suszczewski S. 1987 - The matter transport in the near shore ecosystem of the Admiralty Bay (King George, South Shetlands) - Colloque sur L'ecologie Marine des iles Subantarctiqu et Antarctiques (Paris, 25 juin 1985) - CNFRA 57: 7-15.
Rakusa-Suszczewski S. 1993a - Hydrography and hydrochemistry (In: The Maritime Antarctic coastal ecosystem of Admiralty Bay, Ed. S. Rakusa-Suszczewski) - Department of Antarctic Biology Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, pp. 32-34.
Rakusa-Suszczewski S. 1993b - Matter transport and budgets in the Admiralty Bay area (In: The Maritime Antarctic coastal ecosystem of Admiralty Bay. Ed. S. Rakusa-Suszczewski) - Department of Antarctic Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, pp. 199-212.
Rakusa-Suszczewski S. 1995 - Flow of matter in the Admiralty Bay Area - Proc. NIPR Symp. Polar Biol. 8: 101-113.
Robakiewicz M., Rakusa-Suszczewski S. 1999 - Application of 3D circulation model to Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica - Pol. Polar Res. 20: 43-58.
Tonnessen J. N., Johnsen A. O. 1982 - The history of modern whaling - C.Hurst & Company, London Australian National University Press, 798 pp.
Zarzycki K. 1993 - Vascular plants and terrestrial biotopes (In: The Maritime Antarctic coastal ecosystem of Admiralty Bay, Ed. S. RakusaSuszczewski) - Department of Antarctic Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, pp. 181-187.


Polish Journal of Ecology





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oai:rcin.org.pl:121279 ; ISSN 1505-2249


MiIZ PAN, call no. P.2840 ; click here to follow the link



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Copyright-protected material. [CC BY 3.0 PL] May be used within the scope specified in Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license, full text available at: ; -

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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Projects co-financed by:

Operational Program Digital Poland, 2014-2020, Measure 2.3: Digital accessibility and usefulness of public sector information; funds from the European Regional Development Fund and national co-financing from the state budget.



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