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Vegetation of forest islands in agricultural landscape ; Forest islands in the landscape of the Masurian Lakeland; origin, location in space, research problems
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii
Pages 437-479 ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 477-479) ; Abstract in Polish
Investigations of the forest-island vegetation were conducted in the agricultural landscape of the Jorka river basin, within the Masurian Lakeland (north-eastern Poland). Eight forest islands of varying size (from 0.125 ha to 35 ha) were examined. Four of the greater ones represented planted pine forests (80-100 years old) and the remaining four – birch and aspen woods, naturally grown in deforested but not cultivated places. Lower layers of vegetation were indicative of a more or less advanced processes of development toward the Pino-Quercetum (Kozł. 1925 em. Mat. et Polak. 1955) association. In this report, a geographic and geobotanic character of the investigated area was given, as well as a general characterization of forest islands and their edges. The studied ones were very closely examined.
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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Wójcik, Zdzisława (1915– )
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Dąbrowska-Prot, Eliza
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