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Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae. Fasc. 31 (2018)
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of Polish Academy of Sciences ; Polish Academy of Sciences. Łódź Branch
Textiles from archaeological excavations are very interesting material for analyses, due to technological skills they demonstrate, as well as a diversity of raw materials. A collection of modern textiles with metal threads excavated at various archaeological funerary sites in Poland (e.g. churches in Gdańsk, Toruń, Gniew, Lublin, Płonkowo) were analysed by non-destructive analytical methods: microscopic observations and energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence. With these techniques it was determined that the most popular metal threads were made of gilded silver. Others are made of pure silver and copper
Balta Z. I., Csedreki L., Furu E., Cretu I., Huszánk R., Lupu M., Török Z., Kertész Z., Sziksza Z. 2015. Ion Beam Analysis of Golden Threads from Romanian Medieval Textiles, “Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B” 348, 285-290
Dudziński T., Grupa M., Grupa D., Krajewska M., Majorek M., Nowak M., Nowak S., Przymorska-Sztuczka M., Wojciechowska A. 2015. Tajemnice szczuczyńskich krypt 3, Grajewo, Toruń
Enguita O., Climent-Font A., Garcia G., Montero I., Fedi M. E., Chiari M. C., Lucarelli F. 2002. Characterization of Metal Threads Using Differential PIXE Analysis, “Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B” 189, 328-333
Grupa M. 2009. Tkaniny z krypty północnej w Kwidzynie (Textiles from the Northern Crypt in Kwidzyn). In: M. Grupa, T. Kozłowski (eds.), Katedra w Kwidzynie – tajemnica krypt (Kwidzyn Cathedral – the Mystery of the Crypts), Kwidzyn, 149-174
Grupa M. 2012. Wełniane tekstylia pospólstwa i plebsu gdańskiego (XIV-XVII w.) i ich konserwacja, Toruń
Grupa M., Grupa D. 2013. Wstążki, wstążeczki z krypt kościoła p.w. Imienia NMP w Szczuczynie. In: T. Dudziński, M. Grupa (eds.), Tajemnice szczuczyńskich krypt 1, Grajewo, 41-52
Grupa M., Kozłowski T., Jankauskas R., Grupa D., Krajewska M., Krakowska S., Majorek M., Mosiejczyk J., Nowak M., Nowak S., Przymorska-Sztuczka M., Wojciechowska A. 2015a. Tajemnice krypty w kaplicy św. Anny (Secrets of the Crypt in St. Ann Chapel), Gniew
Grupa M., Kozłowski T., Krajewska M., Grupa D., Janowska N., Jarzęcki K., Kurzawa D., Mucha N., Nowak M., Nowak S., Przymorska-Sztuczka M., Słomczewska M., Wojciechowska A., Majorek M. 2015b. Historia kościoła św. Oswalda w Płonkowie (History of St. Oswald Church in Płonkowo) 1, Płonkowo
Indictor N., Koestler R. J., Wypyski M., Wardwell A. E. 1989. Metal Threads Made of Proteinaceous Substrates Examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy: Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry, “Studies in Conservation” 34 (4), 171-182
Járó M. 2009. Metal Thread Variation and Materials: A Simple Method of Pre-treatment Identification for Historical Textiles. In: I. Eri (ed.), Conserving Textiles: Studies in Honour of Agnes Timar-Balazsi, ICCROM Conserving studies 7, Rome, 68-76
Járó M., Gál T., Tóth A. 2000. The Characterization and Deterioration of Modern Metallic Threads, “Studies in Conservation” 45 (2), 95-105
Maik J. 2011. Tkaniny. In: J. Piekalski, K. Wachowski (eds.), Ulice średniowiecznego Wrocławia, Wratislavia Antiqua. Studia z dziejów Wrocławia 11, Wrocław, 215-222, 262-263
Nord A. G., Tronner K. 2000. A Note on the Analysis of Gilded Metal Embroidery Threads, “Studies in Conservation” 45 (4), 274-279
Nowosad W., Grupa M., Grupa D. 2018. Relikty odzieży świeckiej (Secular Clothes Relics). In: M. Grupa, K. Jarzęcki, W. Nowosad (eds.), Historia kościoła św. Oswalda w Płonkowie (History of St. Oswald Church in Płonkowo) 2, Płonkowo, 65-78
Tronner K., Nord A. G., Sjostedt J., Hydman H. 2002. Extremely Thin Gold Layers on Gilded Silver Threads, “Studies in Conservation” 47 (2), 109-116, Featured Textile: Fragment from the Dalmatic of San Valerius, accessed 2.07.2018
Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae ; DOI 10.23858/FAH31.2018.014
IAiE PAN, call no. P III 348 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P III 349 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P III 368 ; click here to follow the link
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Operational Program Digital Poland, 2014-2020, Measure 2.3: Digital accessibility and usefulness of public sector information; funds from the European Regional Development Fund and national co-financing from the state budget. ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Apr 9, 2021
Dec 27, 2018
Edition name | Date |
Miazga, Beata, 2018, Metal-Decorated Textiles in Non-Destructive Archaeometric Studies. Examples from Poland | Apr 9, 2021 |
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Trąbska, Joanna
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Miazga, Beata
Maik, Jerzy
Sikorski, Andrzej (1953– )