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Effect of density on the survival and development of individuals of Erophila verna (L.) C.A.M. ; Population size regulation
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii
Pages 839-881 : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 875-881) ; Abstract in Polish
Population dynamics of the annual Erophila verna in the Festuco-Koelerietum glaucae Klika 1931 was studied for seven years. It has been demonstrated that an increased density in a seedling population brings about a significant intensification of interactions between individuals. As a result, the death rate rises, the life history is shortened, and the fraction of generative individuals becomes reduced. The survival of a population may follow type I, II or III of Deevey's (1947) curve, depending on the density. A close relationship has been found between the course of seasonal variation in numbers and the spatial structure of a population.
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