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Biomass and distribution of submerged macrophytes ; Biotic structure and processes in a lake system
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii
Pages 781-792 : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 791-792) ; Abstract in Polish
For five lakes of the system of the r. Jorka watershed determined were: the range of distribution, biomass and floristic composition of submerged macrophytes. The characteristics of vegetation in Lake Majcz Wielki confirmed its mesotrophic character, whereas in remaining lakes it indicated an advanced eutrophy.
1. Bernatowicz S. 1960 – Charakterystyka jezior na podstawie roślin naczyniowych [Characteristics of lakes on the basis of vascular plants] – Roczn. Nauk roln . 77-B-1: 79-103.
2. Bernatowicz S., Pieczyńska E. 1965 – Organic matter production of macrophytes in Lake Tałtowisko – Ekol. pol. A, 13: 113-124.
3. Bernatowicz S., Pieczyńska E., Radziej J. 1968 - Biomass of macrophytes in Lake Śniardwy – Bull. Acad . pol. Sci. Cl. II. Ser. Sci. biol. 16: 625-629.
4. Bernatowicz S., Radziej J. 1964 – Produkcja roczna makrofitów w kompleksie jeziora Mamry [Annual production of the macrophytes in the complex of Lake Mamry] - Pol. Arch. Hydrobiol. 12: 307-348.
5. Eloranta P. 1970 – Pollution and aquatic flora of waters by sulphite cellulose factory at Mantta, Finnish Lake District - Ann. Bot. Fenn. 7: 63-141.
6. Ozimek T. 1978 - Effect of municipal sewage on the submerged macrophytes of a lake littoral - Ekol. pol. 26: 3-39.
7. Ozimek T., Kowalczewski A. (in press) – Long term changes of submerged macrophytes in eutrophic Mikołajskie Lake - Aquat. Bot.
8. Pereyra-Ramos E. 1981 – The ecological role of Characeae in the lake littoral – Ekol. pol. 29: 167-209.
9. Pieczyńska E., Ozimek T. 1976 - Ecological significance of lake macrophytes – Int. J. Ecol. Environ. Sci. 2: 115-128.
10. Podbielkowski Z., Tomaszewcz H. 1979 – Zarys hydrobotaniki [General hydrobotany] – Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa, 531 pp. ; ISSN 0420-9036
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Feb 4, 2025
Aug 27, 2019
Ozimek, Teresa
Ozimek, Teresa Prejs, Krystyna Prejs, Andrzej
Kufel, Lech Królikowska, Joanna Kufel, Irena
Prejs, Krystyna
Ozimek, Teresa
Ozimek, Teresa
Nesteruk, Teresa Polska Akademia Nauk. Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii