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Leaf-eating insects and foliage production
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii
Pages 653-673 : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 672-673) ; Abstract in Polish
Defoliation by leaf-eating insects was estimated. During a 4-years' series of investigations three basic phases of the dynamics of phytophagous insects were identified: a pre-outbreak period, an outbreak period and a post-outbreak period. The following features of the particular periods have been described: the dynamics of numbers and biomass of the leaf-eating insects during a growing season, the consumption of the phytophagous insects and the effect of the latter on the foliage production of the dominant tree species. A comparison of the leaf-fall, the foliage consumption by the phytophagous insects and the total foliage production in the particular years has shown that the possibilities to regenerate the photosynthetic system to compensate for the loss due to insect feeding are limited, being within the range of the expected foliage production under the particular conditions.
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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Wesołowski, Tomasz (1950– ) Tomiałojć, Ludwik (1939– ) Stawarczyk, Tadeusz (1952– )
Wasilewski, Aleksander
Pinowski, Jan (1930– ) Wasilewski, Aleksander
Prus, Tadeusz
Traczyk, Tadeusz
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