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Title: The invertebrates on submerged macrophytes in three Masurian lakes


Soszka, Grzegorz Jan

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The invertebrates on submerged macrophytes


Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii


Polish Scientific Publishers

Place of publishing:



Pages 371-391 : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 389-391) ; Abstract in Polish

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The composition and number dynamics of invertebrates on 4 species of submerged macrophytes (Potamogeton lucens L., P. perfoliatus L. Myriophyllum spicatum L. and Elodea canadensis Rich.) have been analysed. Chironomidae, Oligochaeta and Mollusca dominated. The numbers of invertebrates change noticeably in time, space, and on different species of macrophytes. The species composition, and numbers of invertebrates on macrophytes are different than those of the littoral benthos which is usually less abundant.


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Ekologia Polska





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