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Ocena wielkości areału Apodemus agrarius (Pall.)
Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ecology
Pages 1-12 : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (page 12) ; Abstract in Polish
An estimate was made of the home range size of Apodemus agrarius (Pall.) using the method of calculating the number of traps. The results were compared with the results obtained by a second generally employed method of estimating home range size which is based on calculating the center of activity. The two estimates were found to vary greatly.
1. Brown, L. E. 1962 - Home range is small communities (Survey of biological progress, Vol. IV) - New York, London, 131-179 pp.
2. Calhoun, J.B. and Casby, J.U. 1958 - Calculations of home range and density of small mammals - U. S. Publ. Hlth Monogr. 55: 1-24.
3. Dice, L. R. and Clark, J. Ph. 1953 - The statistical concept of home range as applied to the recapture radius of deermouse (Peromyscus) - Contr. Lab. Vertebr. Biol. 62: 1-15.
4. Harrison, J. L. 1958 - Range of movement of some Malayan rats - J. Mammal. 39: 190-206.
5. Hayne, D.W. 1949 - Calculation of size of home range - J. Mammal. 30: 1-18.
6. Kaye, S. V. 1961 - Movements of harvest mice tagged with gold 198 - J. Mammal. 42: 323-337.
7. Stickel, L.F. 1954 - A comparison of certain methods of measuring ranges of small mammals - J. Mammal. 35: 1-15.
8. Tanaka, R. 1963 - Truthfulness of the delimited - area concept of home range in small mammals - Bull. Kochi Women's Univ. 11: 6-11.
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Feb 4, 2022
May 16, 2019
Edition name | Date |
Nr 1. Estimating size of home range of Apodemus agrarius (Pall.) / Wierzbowska T., Chełkowska H. | Feb 4, 2022 |
Gliwicz, Joanna
Gliwicz, Joanna (1942– ) Goszczyński, Jacek (1946–2012) Luniak, Maciej (1936– )
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Hamar, M. Simionescu, V. Theiss, F.
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Kowalska-Dyrcz, A. Pawłowska-Indyk, A.
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Andrzejewski, R. Wrocławek, H.