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Ecological aspect of synurbization of the striped field mouse, Apodemus agrarius (Pall.)
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologii
Pages 117-124 ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (page 123) ; Abstract in English
Synurbization is a new term for the process of species adaptation to life under urban conditions. This process involves changes in species behaviour, ecology and genetic treats. In the paper only ecological changes has been described and only in one mammal species. The analysis of environmental conditions encountered by the species in urban areas shows that they differ from natural conditions with respect to many abiotic and biotic factors, such as: (1) microclimate, (2) food conditions, (3) characteristics and distribution of microhabitats occupied by the species (Fig. 1), (4) species composition of predators, parasites and competitors (Fig. 2), presence of man and accumulation of by-products of civilization. Adaptation to these new conditions results in many differences stated between urban and non-urban populations. City dwellers are heavier, better survive the winter period, their reproduction season ends later in autumn; they are more insectivorous than the non-urban ones. Some elements in organization of their populations vary signifficantly, what may be seen in the strong inhibition of maturation of young females, observed in town in the spring (Fig. 3); they also reach very high densities. Alternation of the first four parameters probably results from changes in food, microclimatic and biocenotic conditions. On the other hand, the specific (island-like) distribution of Apodemus agrarius in urban areas should be thought to account for observed differences in population organization and density. The species characteristics advantagous for its synurbization are indicated, and the ecological role of the species in urban environments is discussed. It may be stated that the striped field mouse is well doing in its new environment and should be recognized as a species welcome in our towns.
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Feb 4, 2022
May 13, 2021
Edition name | Date |
Z. 2. Ekologiczny aspekt synurbizacji myszy polnej Apodemus agrarius (Pall.) / Gliwicz J. | Feb 4, 2022 |
Wierzbowska, Teresa Chełkowska, Henryka
Gliwicz, Joanna (1942– ) Goszczyński, Jacek (1946–2012) Luniak, Maciej (1936– )
Babińska-Werka, J. Gliwicz, J. Goszczyński, J.
Andrzejewski, R. Babińska-Werka, J. Gliwicz, J. Goszczyński, J.
Andrzejewski, R. Liro, A.
Gębczyńska, Z. Gębczyński, M. Morzuch, K. Zielińska, D. M.
Haitlinger, R.